

Easy Flipper Zero ESP32 Flash

This is for easily flashing Marauder on an ESP32 or WiFi Devboard for a Flipper Zero! Screenshot of EasyInstall

Windows Users:

You have two prerequisites.
You must install Git for Windows from here.
If you are flashing an ESP32 board, you need to install the driver from here in order for your device to be recognized

All other users:

You have one prerequisite.
You need to install git however you would on your system if you haven't already.

It is now simple to install or update Marauder or Evil Portal on Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows.

How to use:

  1. run pip3 install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Press and hold the BOOT button on the module
  3. While still holding BOOT, connect the devboard or ESP32 board via USB.
  4. Press and release the RESET button.
  5. Release the BOOT button.
  6. run python3 EasyInstall.py.
  7. Select the option of what you want to do

This project was based on the Windows Marauder flasher batch script

You can find it here in UberGuidoZ's repo

About this script

Compatible boards

How to connect an ESP32-WROOM, WROVER, etc to the Flipper Zero

ESP32 -> Flipper Zero
TX0 -> RX
RX0 -> TX
3v3 -> 3v3

Optional parameters

There are now optional parameters


I am absolutely not resposible if you somehow manage to brick your device with this tool (especially if you did it using optional parameters) and I cannot help you fix it.

Issues with flashing?

Here are some steps to try:

Why do I kind of pick on Windows users?

Simply, because Windows users seem to come across the most issues (and to be fair, this was a pain to make work properly in Windows), a lot of which are users not understanding how to use the CLI or not reading this whole page, especially the top section.




Disclaimer: Also includes Acknowledgements from the above linked repo from UberGuidoz as this wouldn't exist without the original project