


A plugin for Rainbow to show linenumbers.<br/> Adds line numbering to the code element by adding a span.line at each newline.


Just include Rainbow.linenumbers.js alongside Rainbow.js


Set the starting line number by adding data-line="234" attribute to code element.<br/> Disable line numbering for a specific code block by setting data-line="-1"


Be sure to check the example html and theme file.<br/> Edit styles and colors by overriding the css:<br/> pre code.rainbow .line <-- the main element<br/> pre code.rainbow .line:before <-- the actual number<br/> pre code.rainbow .line:after <-- the underline


A pre element is inline by default so the size of the underline will be the size of that element.<br/> If you set the display to block, an event listener will be added that resizes the underlines properly.


Highlight a single line by doing this (block 2 line 6):

#rb2ln6:after {
	height: 100%;
	background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.1);

The highlight will appear over the line by default. Setting the pre element's z-index to -2 an the .line:after to -1 solves this.


Each span.line has an id so you can easily jump to a specific line using and anchor href like #rb1ln30 (meaning rainbow block 1 line 30)