

Sitecore Commerce Sample Plugins

Contains sample code for Sitecore Commerce Plugins These Plugins are targeted toward Sitecore Experience Commerce 9.0 Update 3 and 9.1 releases (see table below for plugin's support).

Clone this repository and add these Plugins as projects to your Customer.Sample.Solution. Add the Reference to the Plugin in the Sitecore.Commerce.Engine project and build the solution.

Getting Started with Development for 9.0.3

Getting Started with Development for 9.1

PluginDescriptionSupported Version
BizFx.DevOpsProvides a mechanism for listing Environments and viewing their details and viewing other metadata and configuration data of a Experienice Commerce deployment9.0.3
BizFx.EnhancementsProvides mechanisms for validating data in an Experience Commerce system. Currently it can check to ensure Sellable Items (Products) have images and that Price Cards have snapshots9.0.3
Catalog.GeneratorGenerates fake catalog data for testing or demo purposes9.0.3
ContentItemCommanderA demostration of creating dashboards and other content items9.0.3
EbayEbay Marketplace Integration from Experience Commerce and BizFx9.0.3
EnhancementsPlugin which enables other enhancements via the sample plugins9.0.3
Entitlement.EnhancementsDemostrates modifying the CustomerEntitlements view9.0.3
ExtendedConditionsSample conditions for the Experience Commerce Promotion Engine9.0.3
HandleMissingSitecoreEnables Experience Commerce to function without a connection to Sitecore XP9.0.3
JsonCommanderA utility plugin used by other sample plugins9.0.3
ListMasterManages list of Commerce Entities9.0.3
Orders.EnhancementsPlugin which returns KPIs on Orders9.0.3
Pricing.GeneratorPlugin for generating sample Price Cards9.0.3
Promotions.GeneratorPlugin for generating sample Promotions9.0.3
Search.ManagementA Plugin for managing search within Experience Commerce Engine9.0.3
ShipEngineA plugin for integrating with ShipEngine to provide additional fulfillment options for Experience Commerce9.1
USPSA simple plugin to resolve United States addresses against the US Postal Service validate address service9.1
VatTaxA Plugin for calculating simple VAT9.0.3