

SiriDB Prompt

alt SiriDB Prompt

SiriDB Prompt provides a terminal client for communicating with SiriDB.

Note: Since version 2.1.0 SiriDB Prompt is written in Go. For the most recent version in Python you should go to this release tag.


SiriDB Prompt can be compiled from source or, for most systems, you can simply download a pre-compiled binary.


Go to https://github.com/SiriDB/siridb-prompt/releases/latest and download the binary for your system. In this documentation we refer to the binary as siridb-prompt. On Linux/OSX it might be required to set the execution flag:

$ chmod +x siridb-prompt_X.Y.Z_OS_ARCH.bin

You might want to copy the binary to /usr/local/bin and create a symlink like this:

$ sudo cp siridb-prompt_X.Y.Z_OS_ARCH.bin /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/siridb-prompt_X.Y.Z_OS_ARCH.bin /usr/local/bin/siridb-prompt

Note: replace X.Y.Z_OS_ARCH with your binary, for example 2.0.0_linux_amd64

Compile from source

Before compiling from source make sure go and git are installed and your $GOPATH is set.

Clone the project using git. (we assume git is installed)

git clone https://github.com/SiriDB/siridb-prompt

Install the required go packages

$ go get -d

Build SiriDB Prompt

$ go build -o siridb-prompt

Connect via SSH

Build SSH tunnel by running the following command in the terminal window:

$ ssh login@server -L 9000: -N

You will get response asking you to enter your SSH password

login@server password:

Now when the tunnel is built stop the previous command and set it into background to be able to initiate other commands. press Ctrl+Z to stop the command and you should get response:

[1]+ Stopped        ssh login@server -L 9000: -N

to set it in background, type bg and you should get response:

[1]+ ssh login@server -L 9000: -N &

Connect to SiriDB as if it is running on your local system, for example by running the following command in the terminal window:

$ siridb-prompt -d database -u user -s localhost:9000

That's it! You are in.

When finished you can close your SSH tunnel:

get it into foreground: press fg and you will get the response:

ssh login@server -L 9000: -N

press Ctrl+C to stop it.