

SiriDB Connector using libuv and libsiridb.

This example is written as an extension to libsiridb which we will call libsuv.


Note: libsuv uses some of the public data members which are exposed by libsiridb. In most cases libsuv exposes its own public space for user-defined data which should be used instead.


Buffer type. Each SiriDB connection must have its own buffer.

suv_buf_t * suv_buf_create(siridb_t * siridb)

Create and return a new buffer. A siridb_t instance is required.

Warning: Do not use siridb->data since it will be overwritten as soon as the buffer is used as a connection.

Public members

suv_buf_from_req(siridb_req_t * req)

Macro function to get the suv_buf_t* from a request.

void suv_buf_destroy(suv_buf_t * suvbf)

Cleanup a buffer. Call this function after the connection is closed.

void suv_close(suv_buf_t * buf, const char * msg)

Close a connection. As long as the buffer is not destroyed, the same suv_buf_t can be used again to create a new connection. Argument msg is allowed to be NULL in wich case the default message will be used. The message (or default message) will be parsed to the suv_buf_t.onclose callback function.


General write type. Used to communicate with SiriDB.

Public members

void suv_write_destroy(suv_connect_t * connect)

Cleanup a write handle. This function should be called from a request (siridb_req_t) callback function.

void suv_write_error(suv_write_t * swrite, int err_code)

Used to cancel a write handle. This will set the request status to err_code, removes the request from the queue and calls the request callback function.


Connect handle. Alias for suv_write_t.

suv_connect_t * suv_connect_create(siridb_req_t * req, const char * username, const char * password, const char * dbname)

Create and return a connection handle. After the connection handle is created, you must manually bind the handle to req->data. This must be done explicit to make clear that you are also responsible for handling the cleanup.

Returns NULL in case of a memory allocation error.

void suv_connect_destroy(suv_connect_t * connect)

Cleaunp a connection handle. This function should be called from a request (siridb_req_t) callback function. Alias for suv_write_destroy().

void suv_connect(uv_loop_t * loop, suv_connect_t * connect, suv_buf_t * buf, struct sockaddr * addr)

Connect and authenticate to SiriDB.

Warning: This function overwrites the members buf->siridb->data so you should not use this property. Instead the public members buf->data and connect->data are available and safe to use.


#include <suv.h>

uv_loop_t loop;

void connect_cb(siridb_req_t * req)
    suv_connect_t * connect = (suv_connect_t *) req->data;

    if (req->status) {
        printf("connect or auth failed: %s\n", siridb_strerror(req->status));
    } else if (req->pkg->tp != CprotoResAuthSuccess) {
        printf("authentication failed (error %u)\n", req->pkg->tp);
    } else {
        // do something with the connection

    /* cleanup connetion handle */

    /* lets stop the example */
    suv_close(suv_buf_from_req(req), NULL);

    /* cleanup connection request */

int main(void)
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    /* initialize uv loop */

    /* asume siridb-server is running on localhost and port 9000 */
    uv_ip4_addr("", 9000, &addr);

    /* create a siridb client */
    siridb_t * siridb = siridb_create();

    /* create a buffer for the connection */
    suv_buf_t * buf = suv_buf_create(siridb);

    /* create a connection request */
    siridb_req_t * req = siridb_req_create(siridb, connect_cb, NULL);

    /* create a connection handle */
    suv_connect_t * connect = suv_connect_create(req, "iris", "siri", "dbtest");

    /* explicit bind the connect handle to the request. (this must be done!) */
    req->data = (void *) connect;

    /* Warning: This overwrites tcp->data and siridb->data so do not use these
     *          members yourself. */
    suv_connect(&loop, connect, buf, (struct sockaddr *) &addr);

    /* run the uv event loop */
    uv_run(&loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);

    /* close the loop */

    /* cleanup buffer */

    /* cleanup siridb */

    return 0;


Query handle. Alias for suv_write_t.

suv_query_t * suv_query_create(siridb_req_t * req, const char * query)

Create and return a query handle. After the query handle is created, you must manually bind the handle to req->data. This must be done explicit to make clear that you are also responsible for handling the cleanup.

Returns NULL in case of a memory allocation error.

void suv_query_destroy(suv_query_t * suvq)

Cleaunp a query handle. This function should be called from a request (siridb_req_t) callback function. Alias for suv_write_destroy().

void suv_query(suv_query_t * suvq)

Query SiriDB.


/* first create a request */
siridb_req_t * req = siridb_req_create(siridb, example_cb, NULL);

/* create query handle */
suv_query_t * handle = suv_query_create(req, "select * from 'my-series'");

/* bind query handle to req->data */
req->data = (void *) handle;

/* now run the query, check the callback for the result or errors. */

Example callback function:

void example_cb(siridb_req_t * req)
    if (req->status != 0) {
        printf("error handling request: %s", siridb_strerror(req->status));
    } else {
        /* get the response */
        siridb_resp_t * resp = siridb_resp_create(req->pkg, NULL);

        // do something with the response...

        // a general cb function could do something based on the response type...
        switch(resp->tp) {
        case SIRIDB_RESP_TP_UNDEF:
        case SIRIDB_RESP_TP_LIST:
        case SIRIDB_RESP_TP_SHOW:
        case SIRIDB_RESP_TP_COUNT:
        case SIRIDB_RESP_TP_CALC:
        case SIRIDB_RESP_TP_ERROR:
        case SIRIDB_RESP_TP_HELP:
        case SIRIDB_RESP_TP_MOTD:
        case SIRIDB_RESP_TP_DATA: break;

        /* cleanup response */

    /* destroy handle */
    suv_write_destroy((suv_write_t *) req->data);

    /* destroy request */


Insert handle. Alias for suv_write_t.

suv_insert_t * suv_insert_create(siridb_req_t * req, siridb_series_t * series[], size_t n)

Create and return an insert handle. Argument n must be equal or smaller than the number of series in the series[] array.

After the insert handle is created, you must manually bind the handle to req->data. This must be done explicit to make clear that you are also responsible for handling the cleanup.

Returns NULL in case of a memory allocation error.

void suv_insert_destroy(suv_insert_t * insert)

Cleanup an insert handle. This function should be called from a request (siridb_req_t) callback function. Alias for suv_write_destroy().

void suv_insert(suv_insert_t * insert

Insert data into SiriDB.


/* create an array of series, just one for this example */
siridb_series_t * series[1];

/* create series */
series[0] = siridb_series_create(
    SIRIDB_SERIES_TP_INT64,         /* type int64, could also be double */
    "example-series-name",          /* some name for the series */
    10);                            /* number of points */

/* create some sample points */
for (size_t i = 0; i < series[0]->n; i++) {
    siridb_point_t * point = series[0]->points + i;
    point->ts = (uint64_t) time(NULL) - series[0]->n + i;
    point->via.int64 = (int64_t) i;

/* create a request */
siridb_req_t * req = siridb_req_create(siridb, example_cb, NULL);

/* create insert handle */
suv_insert_t * handle = suv_insert_create(req, series, 1);

/* bind the handle to the request */
req->data = (void *) handle;

/* cleanup the series since the series is now packed in handle->pkg */

/* insert data into siridb, the callback should be checked for errors.
 * (a successful insert has a SIRIDB_RESP_TP_SUCCESS_MSG siridb_resp_t.tp) */

Miscellaneous functions

const char * suv_strerror(int err_code)

Returns the error message for a given error code.

const char * suv_version(void)

Returns the version of libsuv.