

Composer Plugins

A collection of composer plugins for specific installation instruction for composer packages.

Important: if you are running on Flow 3+ and have the typo3/ci-flow package installed using your main distributions composer.json you should remove it there and install the codesniffer in a separate folder, like for example: https://git.typo3.org/Neos/Distributions/Base.git/tree/refs/heads/master:/Build/PhpCodesniffer

PHP Codesniffer Standard installer

The PHP Codesniffer Standard installer is able to install phpcs codesniffer standards into the <vendor>/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/Standards/ folder. By doing so the standard will be usable by calling bin/phpcs --standard <standard>.

How To Use

Naming Rules

The name of the standard is derived from the composer packagekey. The part after the / is taken as standard name. The first character is made uppercase, and all characters after a - will be uppercased. So:

TYPO3 Specific

The TYPO3 community already has packages available on packagist, and as renaming packagenames would be a bad practice we added 3 hardcoded standard names. Also the vendor name TYPO3 will always be enforced to be uppercase.

To include the TYPO3 CGL to your project you can use one of the following commands (depending on the CGL you want to use, TYPO3 Flow or TYPO3 CMS):

TYPO3 Flow:

	composer require --dev typo3-ci/typo3flow=dev-master


	composer require --dev typo3-ci/typo3cms=dev-master

Now you can sniff your packages with for example:

	bin/phpcs --extensions=php --standard=TYPO3Flow Packages/Application/My.Package