

Swift Version License Carthage Compatible SwiftPM Compatible Platform PRs Welcome


SSAppUpdater is an open-source framework designed to streamline the process of comparing the current version of an app with the version available in the app store for iOS and macOS. It provides key details such as the app's URL, the new version number, and release notes. With this information, you can notify users about the availability of the latest version and redirect them to update the app.

Table of contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Key Features
  3. Installation
  4. Detailed Overview of the Features


Key Features:

1.Automatic Version Comparison through AppStore: SSAppUpdater automatically compares the app’s current version with the latest version available in the App Store, ensuring users are always informed when updates are available.

Force UpdateOptional UpdateSkip Version


Force updateOptional update
Skip versionUpdate with custom alert

2.Manual macOS updater through server: SSAppUpdater allows for manual version comparison on macOS by checking the current app version against the latest release available on a custom server, offering flexibility for apps not distributed through the App Store.

3.Customizable Update Alerts: The framework offers flexible options to present update alerts to users, enabling developers to control when and how they notify users about new updates using customised UI.


1. CocoaPods

2. Manually

3. Swift Package Manager

4. Carthage

Detailed Overview of the Features

1. Automatic Version Comparison through AppStore

2. Manual macOS updater through server:

3. Customisable Update Alerts:


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