

MELPA MELPA Stable CI status


Emacs integration for Docker!

Supports docker containers, images, volumes, networks, contexts and docker-compose.


List images

Images list

Image run

Image run


The recommended way to install docker.el is through MELPA.

Here is a example use-package configuration:

(use-package docker
  :ensure t
  :bind ("C-c d" . docker))


Use <kbd>M-x docker</kbd>, select a resource then mark or unmark items using the following keybindings (for more marking possibilities, check out https://github.com/politza/tablist):

<kbd>?</kbd>List actions
<kbd>l</kbd>Configure listing
<kbd>m</kbd>Mark item
<kbd>u</kbd>Unmark item
<kbd>t</kbd>Toggle marks
<kbd>U</kbd>Unmark all
<kbd>* r</kbd>Mark items by regexp
<kbd><</kbd>Shrink column
<kbd>></kbd>Enlarge column
<kbd>C-c C-e</kbd>Export to csv

Then select an action and follow the instructions.

Supported commands

You can also enter dired or open a file inside a container or volume.


Thanks to transient, all the transients arguments can be set temporarily or permanently. See https://magit.vc/manual/transient/Saving-Values.html#Saving-Values for more information.

There are also hidden items (e.g on M-x docker where you could specify the host or TLS settings), see https://magit.vc/manual/transient/Enabling-and-Disabling-Suffixes.html for more information.

Here is a list of other customizations you can set:

docker-commandThe docker binary to usedocker
docker-compose-commandThe docker-compose binary to usedocker-compose
docker-container-columnsColumns definition for containers/bin/sh
docker-container-default-sort-keySort key for containers("Image")
docker-container-shell-file-nameShell to use when entering containers/bin/sh
docker-image-columnsColumns definition for imagesToo complex to show
docker-image-default-sort-keySort key for images("Repository")
docker-image-run-default-argsBase arguments to use for docker run("-i" "-t" "--rm")
docker-network-columnsColumns definition for networksToo complex to show
docker-network-default-sort-keySort key for networks("Name")
docker-pop-to-buffer-actionAction for docker-utils-pop-to-buffernil
docker-run-as-rootRuns docker as root when enablednil
docker-run-async-with-buffer-functionFunction used to run programs with buffersToo complex to show
docker-show-messagesIf non-nil message docker commandst
docker-show-statusIf non-nil compute statust
docker-volume-columnsColumns definition for volumesToo complex to show
docker-volume-default-sort-keySort key for volumes("Driver")

Changing the default arguments for docker run

You can match on the repository name for an image to customize the initial infix arguments via docker-image-run-custom-args:

   `("^postgres" ("-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres" . ,docker-image-run-default-args)))

So when docker run is called on an image whose repository name matches the regular expression ^postgres, the option "-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres" will appear as set along with the defaults specified by docker-image-run-default-args.

Vterm support

If vterm is installed, it'll be used for any commands that needs a running buffer (for example docker run, docker logs, etc).


They are very welcome, either as suggestions or as pull requests by opening tickets on the issue tracker.