


Silent_Packer is an ELF / PE packer written in pure C.

This program can be used to obfuscate a binary. This packer supports PIE binaries.


Silent_Packer is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 license. Refer to LICENSE for more informations.

What is a packer ?

Binary packers alter the original binary data, and restore it (more or less) before execution.

Silent_Packer is a very basic and common packer, encrypting the code section from the binary (.text) and decrypting it before executing it. This technique can be used to obfuscate the binary code to bypass antiviruses or to make reverse engineering harder. Packers can also be used to compress a binary to reduce its size.

You can find a more detailed stackoverflow post here.

File formats

Silent_Packer currently support the following file formats :

I will maybe add the MACH-O file format later. You can suggest me a file format that you want me to add.

Cipher methods

Silent_Packer currently support the following cipher methods :

Support for some more secure AES modes should arrive soon (AES-128-CBC, AES-256, ...)

You can suggest me a cipher method that you want me to add.

Encryption methods

Silent_Packer currently support the following encryption methods :

For a basic explanation on how does these methods work, see the METHODS file.


Usage: Silent_Packer [-hVvd] [-f file] [-c <xor, aes128_ecb>] [-m <section_insertion, code_cave, silvio_infection>] [-o file]
  -h, --help                Display this help and exit
  -V, --version             Display version info and exit
  -v, --verbose             Verbose output
  -d, --debug               Debug mode
  -f, --file=file           File to pack
  -c, --cipher=<xor, aes128_ecb> Cipher method to use
  -m, --method=<section_insertion, code_cave, silvio_infection> Method to pack the binary
  -o, --output=file         Output file


You can either get the compiled version from the latest release, from the bin directory, or compile it yourself.

This project relies on Silent_Log for logging messages.

To build it yourself you will need cmake, gcc and nasm.

No windows version is available at the moment.

On Linux

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make install

The compiled binary will be available in the bin directory.


Feel free to report any bugs, so that I can fix them.

The packer has some recurrent bugs with PE files, especially with big binaries with a lot of dynamic libs. The section insertion method has a weird behavior sometimes (adding some null bytes at the beginning of the section making the offsets wrong).


Feel free to contribute. See the TODO list.


I am not responsible for what you do with the information and code provided. This is intended for professional or educational purposes only.