

SilentStar Scripts

About the scripts: Trying to do everything i can to make the scripts better.

My scripts:

  1. Master of Insec (Lee Sin)
  2. Master of Sadness (Amumu)
  3. Master of Hook (Thresh)
  4. The Pokerman (Twisted Fate)
  5. The Starchild (Soraka)
  6. The Unstoppable (Kalista)
  7. The Carrier (Lucian)
  8. The Craziest (Jinx)
  9. The Poisoner (Twitch)
  10. BaseUlt (Jinx-Ezreal-Draven-Ashe)
  11. The Corrosive (Kog'Maw)

Latest Release: The Corrosive (Kog'Maw)
Info: Added ScriptStatus Tracker