


A MeteorJS realtime solidity development environment DApp.

<img src="app/public/images/screen.jpg" />

** Please note that this DApp is still in Alpha (still working out the bugs).

[DEPRETIATED] -- please use and contribute too: https://github.com/cosmo-project/cosmo, currently under construction however.

<a name="hosted"></a> Alpha


<a name="installation"></a> Installation

Clone this repo

$ git clone http://github.com/SilentCicero/meteor-dapp-cosmo.git

Start a local geth node:

$ geth --rpc --rpcaddr="localhost" --mine --unlock=primary --rpcport="8080" --rpccorsdomain="http://localhost:3000" --loglevel=5 --maxpeers=0

Start Cosmo using Meteor

$ cd meteor-dapp-cosmo/app
$ meteor

Goto http://localhost:3000, enjoy!

<a name="functionality"></a> DApp Functionality

<a name="layout"></a> Page Layout

<a name="about"></a> About

This DApp will help developers code in solidity, so they can build solid contracts in realtime that are thoroughly vetted.

Cosmo uses Chriseth's <a href="http://chriseth.github.io/cpp-ethereum/">Realtime Browser Compiler</a>.

<a name="todo"></a> TODO