

Xenko Marching Cubes Terrain

This is an example project for Marching Cubes terrain in the Xenko Engine built on version

The texturing method isn't the greatest (currently looping through 3 UV coordinates), a better method would be necessary for real world usage (triplanar mapping or something like that (PRs welcome!)).

The original implementation is written by Eldemarkki which is available here.


  1. Download / Clone the repo
  2. Open the .sln and run

There are a couple of different terrain generation types (found in DensityGenerator.cs) which can be changed in Chunk.cs on line 68.

You can increase / decrease the world size by changing the worldWidth, worldHeight or worldDepth in World.cs on lines 17-19 (the larger the world the more time it'll take it initially generate).



Sphere Image

Building Image