

retriable.cr CI Releases License

Retriable is a simple DSL to retry failed code blocks with randomized exponential backoff time intervals. This is especially useful when interacting external APIs, remote services, or file system calls.


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: Sija/retriable.cr


Code in a Retriable.retry block will be retried if either an exception is raised or next retry is called.

require "retriable"

class Api
  # Use it in methods that interact with unreliable services
  def get
    Retriable.retry do
      # code here...


By default, Retriable will:

The default interval table with 10 tries looks like this (in seconds, rounded to the nearest millisecond):

Retry #MinAverageMax


Here are the available options, in some vague order of relevance to most common use patterns:

max_attemptsnilNumber of attempts to make at running your code block (includes initial attempt).
exceptnilType of exceptions to NOT retry. Read more.
onnilType of exceptions to retry. Read more.
on_retrynilProc to call after each try is rescued. Read more.
base_interval0.5.secondsThe initial interval between tries.
max_elapsed_time15.minutesThe maximum amount of total time that code is allowed to keep being retried.
max_interval1.minuteThe maximum interval that any individual retry can reach.
multiplier1.5Each successive interval grows by this factor. A multiplier of 1.5 means the next interval will be 1.5x the current interval.
rand_factor0.5The percentage to randomize the next retry interval time. The next interval calculation is randomized_interval = retry_interval * (random value in range [1 - randomization_factor, 1 + randomization_factor])
intervalsnilSkip generated intervals and provide your own Enumerable of intervals in seconds. Read more.
backofftrueWhether backoff strategy should be used.
randomRandom::DEFAULTObject inheriting from Random, which provides an interface for random values generation, using a pseudo random number generator (PRNG).

Configuring which options to retry with :on/:except

:on / :except Can take the form:


You can change the global defaults with a #configure block:

Retriable.configure do |settings|
  settings.max_attempts = 5
  settings.max_elapsed_time = 1.hour

Example usage

This example will only retry on a IO::Timeout, retry 3 times and sleep for a full second before each try.

Retriable.retry(on: IO::Timeout, times: 3, base_interval: 1.second) do
  # code here...

You can also specify multiple errors to retry on by passing an Enumerable of exceptions.

Retriable.retry(on: {IO::Timeout, Errno::ECONNRESET}) do
  # code here...

You can also use a Hash to specify that you only want to retry exceptions with certain messages (see the documentation above). This example will retry all ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique exceptions, ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exceptions where the message matches either /Parent must exist/ or /Username has already been taken/, or Mysql2::Error exceptions where the message matches /Duplicate entry/.

Retriable.retry(on: {
  ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => nil,
  ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => [/Parent must exist/, /Username has already been taken/],
  ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => ->(ex : Exception, attempt : Int32, elapsed : Time::Span, interval : Time::Span) {
    {User, Post}.includes?(ex.model.class)
  Mysql2::Error => /Duplicate entry/,
}) do
  # code here...

Customizing intervals

You can also bypass the built-in interval generation and provide your own Enumerable of intervals. Supplying your own intervals overrides the max_attempts, base_interval, max_interval, rand_factor, and multiplier parameters.

Retriable.retry(intervals: {0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5}) do
  # code here...

This example makes 5 total attempts. If the first attempt fails, the 2nd attempt occurs 0.5 seconds later.

Turning off exponential backoff

Exponential backoff is enabled by default. If you want to simply retry code every second, 5 times maximum, you can do this:

Retriable.retry(times: 5, base_interval: 1.second, multiplier: 1.0, rand_factor: 0.0) do
  # code here...

This works by starting at a 1 second base_interval. Setting the multiplier to 1.0 means each subsequent try will increase 1x, which is still 1.0 seconds, and then a rand_factor of 0.0 means that there's no randomization of that interval. (By default, it would randomize 0.5 seconds, which would mean normally the intervals would randomize between 0.5 and 1.5 seconds, but in this case rand_factor is basically being disabled.)

Same thing can be done by passing backoff: false option.

Retriable.retry(times: 5, backoff: false) do
  # code here...

Another way to accomplish this would be to create an array with a fixed interval. In this example, Array.new(5, 1.second) creates an array with 5 elements, all with the value of 1 second as Time::Span instances. The code block will retry up to 5 times, and wait 1 second between each attempt.

# Array.new(5, 1.second) # => [00:00:01, 00:00:01, 00:00:01, 00:00:01, 00:00:01]

Retriable.retry(intervals: Array.new(5, 1.second)) do
  # code here...

If you don't want exponential backoff but you still want some randomization between intervals, this code will run every 1 seconds with a randomization factor of 0.2, which means each interval will be a random value between 0.8 and 1.2 (1 second +/- 0.2):

Retriable.retry(base_interval: 1.second, multiplier: 1.0, rand_factor: 0.2) do
  # code here...


#retry also provides a callback called :on_retry that will run after an exception is rescued. This callback provides the exception that was raised in the current try, the try_number, the elapsed_time for all tries so far, and the time (as a Time::Span) of the next_interval.

do_this_on_each_retry = ->(ex : Exception, attempt : Int32, elapsed_time : Time::Span, next_interval : Time::Span) do
  log "#{ex.class}: '#{ex.message}' - #{attempt} attempt in #{elapsed_time} seconds and #{next_interval} seconds until the next try."

Retriable.retry(on_retry: do_this_on_each_retry) do
  # code here...


What if I want to execute a code block at the end, whether or not an exception was rescued (ensure)? Or what if I want to execute a code block if no exception is raised (else)? Instead of providing more callbacks, I recommend you just wrap retriable in a begin/retry/else/ensure block:

  Retriable.retry do
    # some code
rescue ex
  # run this if retriable ends up re-raising the exception
  # run this if retriable doesn't raise any exceptions
  # run this no matter what, exception or no exception

Kernel extension

If you want to call Retriable.retry without the Retriable module prefix and you don't mind extending Kernel, there is a kernel extension available for this.

In your crystal program:

require "retriable/core_ext/kernel"

and then you can call #retry in any context like this:

retry do
  # code here...



Thanks to all of the contributors for their awesome work on Retriable gem, from which this shard was ported.