Unofficial Skype API for nodejs via 'Skype (HTTP)' protocol.
If you want to create a bot, take a look at first.👌
Running example
As username and password you should use your Skype account or your Microsoft account.
git clone
cd skyweb
npm install
cd dist/demo
node demo.js username password
After 'Skyweb is initialized now' appears in console any message you receive in your Skype will be automatically replied.
Initializing and login
Skyweb = require('skyweb');
var skyweb = new Skyweb.default();
skyweb.login(username, password).then(function (skypeAccount) {
console.log('Skyweb is initialized now');
Keeping track of errors
Because the whole lib is quite volatile it's may be a good idea to keep track of errors that might occur while requests being made. This is the place where you might try to relogin or to terminate the process.
Skyweb = require('skyweb');
var skyweb = new Skyweb.default();
const errorListener = (eventName: string, error: string) => {
console.log(`${errorCount} : Error occured : ${error}`);
if (errorCount === 10) {
console.log(`Removing error listener`);
skyweb.un('error', errorListener); // Removing error listener
skyweb.on('error', errorListener); //Adding error listener
Getting contacts info
var skyweb = new Skyweb.default();
skyweb.login(username, password).then((skypeAccount) => {
console.log('Your contacts : ' + JSON.stringify(skyweb.contactsService.contacts, null, 2));
Setting status
var skyweb = new Skyweb.default();
skyweb.login(username, password).then((skypeAccount) => {
skyweb.setStatus('Hidden'); //Now everybody thinks I'm sleeping
Currently supported values are : "Hidden" | "Online" | "Away" | "Busy"
Creating thread(Skype group)
var skyweb = new Skyweb.default();
skyweb.login(username, password).then((skypeAccount) => {
It's probably a good idea to include at least one user with Admin role in new thread(at least you should have Admin role).
What's not working and probably never will.
- Old P2P group chats. According to Skype community site only new, Cloud based group chats are shown in SkypeWeb Beta(therefore works in this API). The old P2P group chats are not.
This project relies on SkypeWeb Skype implementation. If Microsoft Corporation decides to remove Skype implementation (or change it in any) skyweb might not be in working state. Therefore it's not recommended to use it in any critical part of production code. In fact it's not recommended to use it in production at all.