

Micropython ST7920

Micropython library for simple graphic primitives on ST7920 128x64 monochrome LCD panel using ESP8266 and SPI


Can initialise a screen and framebuffer with...

import st7920 
screen = st7920.Screen()

Can draw points, lines and rectangles to a framebuffer with e.g.

screen.plot(10, 10)
screen.line(10, 10, 20, 20)
screen.rect(25, 25, 50, 50)
screen.fill_rect(5, 5, 95, 95)

Can draw inverse with e.g.

screen.plot(10, 10, False)
screen.line(10, 10, 20, 20, False)
screen.rect(25, 25, 50, 50, False)
screen.fill_rect(5, 5, 95, 95, False)

Then send finished 1kbyte frame to the screen at 1.8Mbaud with...


Finally clear again with...


Included Example

Install ampy by running...

pip install adafruit-ampy

Then change to this directory and upload files...

ampy --port /dev/ttyUSB0 put st7920.py
ampy --port /dev/ttyUSB0 put example.py

You should then be able to interactively run the following from the REPL...

import example

Alternatively upload the main.py file as well as follows...

ampy --port /dev/ttyUSB0 put main.py

...and the example will automatically run on boot


See also @ShrimpingIt's bitfont project for pixel typography logic which can be used with micropython-st7920 and other bit-rendering environments.


Developed by @cefn of @ShrimpingIt based on @JMW95's incredibly useful reference Raspberry Pi python SPI port at https://github.com/JMW95/pyST7920, funded by the Milecastles project


Consider use of Micropython's framebuf Framebuffer library to see if it offers any acceleration, or just for conformance with other libraries - draw primitives look like they are the same.

See also

ST7920 Datasheet

Micropython SPI reference

Arduino U8G2 reference setup for ST7920 128x64 SPI display