

Demo This add-on generates writing animations for selected Bezier curves or text in Blender.

Supported Blender Versions: 2.8x and later


This add-on comes integrated with stroke font text animation.

  1. Click on the Code button above the repository list.
  2. Download the zip file to a local folder.
  3. Open Blender and navigate to Edit -> Preferences.
  4. In the Preferences window, go to the Add-ons tab and click Install Add-on from File.
  5. Select the downloaded zip file.
  6. Enable the 'Create Writing Animation' option in the add-ons dialog.

After installation, a new 'Writing Animation' tab will appear in object mode under 'Active Tool and Workspace settings' on the properties panel.

Quick Start

  1. Select the Bezier curves.
  2. Enter the starting frame and length of the animation.
  3. Click 'Create Writing Animation'.
  4. Selecting 'Text' in the 'Animate' drop-down, text-specific options will appear. Enter the text you want to animate in the text input box and adjust other option values to create a text writing animation.

For a detailed overview of the add-on functionality and various options, watch this introductory video. For a detailed usage example, see this video tutorial.

For more details specifically on automated text writing animation, please refer to this video.


For splitting splines, using the Bezier Utilities add-on is recommended as it is more up-to-date.


GPL 3.0