


AFFiNE (https://github.com/toeverything/affine) is a next-gen knowledge base.

At the time of creation, app.affine.pro does not have an API so you can use this script to quickly and easily import Markdown .md files into your own AFFiNE workspace.


npm run start


Create an .env file and define the variables

DEBUG = false
TARGET_URL = app.affine.pro
WORKSPACE_NAME = new_affine_workspace
LOGIN_TOKEN = myToken123
FILES_DIR = source/path/of/md/files

DEBUG = true|false If true, this mode allows you to see the browser and elements to be clicked will be highlighted

TARGET_URL = app.affine.pro the deployment of AFFiNE you wish to use

WORKSPACE_NAME = new_affine_workspace the name of your new workspace

LOGIN_TOKEN = myToken123 your login token, see below for more info

FILES_DIR = source/path/of/md/files the directory of your files to be uploaded

Login Token

For the login token, this value can be found in the developer console after you've logged into AFFiNE. Make sure you use the refresh token value. <img width="1149" alt="Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 14 15 49" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4605025/222346680-6fe156a4-9683-47c3-95b5-3e03a8ab5166.png">