

Feliz.UseListener Nuget

This library exposes React hooks for adding event listeners while ensuring that the lifecycle and dependcies are all correctly managed.

It has full typed access for all standard browser events. As well as a more generic React.useListener.on : string * #Event -> unit method for custom use-cases.

Has no bundle size increase.

Accessible via:

Typical Event Listeners

open Feliz
open Feliz.UseListener

let textInput = React.functionComponent(fun (input: {| callback: string -> unit |}) ->
    let text,setText = React.useState ""

    React.useListener.onKeyDown(fun ev ->
        if ev.key = "Enter" then
            input.callback text

    Html.div [
        Html.input [
            prop.onTextChange setText

Inline element state styling

There is also a set of hooks to make applying styles for things such as when an element is being hovered via the React.useStyle.on* hooks.

let onFocus = React.functionComponent(fun () ->
    let elemRef = React.useInputRef()

    let focused = React.useStyle.onFocus elemRef [
        style.backgroundColor color.blue
        style.color color.white

    Html.div [
        prop.style focused
        prop.children [
            Html.input [
                prop.ref elemRef

Full documentation with live examples can be found here.