

Fable.Extras Nuget

A more functional construct on-top of Fable.Core.

Near-zero bundle size, as almost the entire library is erased at compile time.

Documentation can be found here.

A quick look:

JS Maps

open Fable.Extras

|> JSe.Map.set 1 1
|> JSe.Map.set 2 4
|> JSe.Map.values
|> List.sum // 5

JS Regular Expressions and String extensions

open Fable.Extras

let pattern = JSe.RegExp("^[0-9]")

"20 foxes jumped over the bridge".Replace(pattern, "numbers") 
// "numbers foxes jumped over the bridge"

Or assignment chaining

open Fable.Extras
open Fable.Extras.Operators

let maybeInt = None ?| Some 1 ?| None ?| Some 2 // Some 1

Web Assembly

open Fable.Extras
open Fable.Extras.WebAssembly

// Wasm binding
type WasmFableExports =
    abstract add: int * int -> int

async {
    let! wasmBinary = ... // HttpResponse

    return! WA.compileStreaming<WasmFableExports>(wasmBinary)


wasmInstance.add(1,2) // 3