

Simple quiz Telegram Web App example

Inspired by zubiden/tg-web-bot-demo.

Demo bot: @yaqb_bot

What this bot can do?

This bot demonstrates how to develop Telegram bots with WebApp feature and simple setup backend with express.js and grammyjs

webapp-vanilla is used in the project.

What is important?

Installation and local launch in DEVELOPMENT mode

  1. Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/ShinkarenkoMaxim/simple-quiz
  2. Create .env file with the environment variables listed below
  3. Run yarn in the root folder
  4. Run yarn build
  5. Run yarn serve and yarn bot separately

If you want to add several features then you can create directory public/feature and add to this directory your component and serve static file like in example:

app.use('feature', express.static('feature'));

Environment variables in .env file