

gpool - a generic context-aware resizable goroutines pool to bound concurrency.

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$ go get github.com/sherifabdlnaby/gpool
import "github.com/sherifabdlnaby/gpool"


Easily manages a resizeable pool of context aware goroutines to bound concurrency, A Job is Enqueued to the pool and only N jobs can be processing concurrently at the same time.

further documentation at :



$ go test -bench=. -cpu=2 -benchmem
go test -bench=. -cpu=2 -benchmem
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/sherifabdlnaby/gpool
BenchmarkThroughput/PoolSize[2]-2                 853724               730 ns/op             125 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkThroughput/PoolSize[10]-2               3647638               329 ns/op              10 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkThroughput/PoolSize[100]-2              4869789               248 ns/op               0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkThroughput/PoolSize[1000]-2             4320566               280 ns/op               0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[2]BulkJobs[2]-2             530328              2146 ns/op             275 B/op          5 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[2]BulkJobs[100]-2            10000            112478 ns/op           12737 B/op        239 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[2]BulkJobs[1000]-2            1069           1109384 ns/op          126943 B/op       2380 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[10]BulkJobs[2]-2           1417808               844 ns/op              58 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[10]BulkJobs[100]-2           30556             39187 ns/op            1764 B/op         33 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[10]BulkJobs[1000]-2           3012            385652 ns/op           15737 B/op        295 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[100]BulkJobs[2]-2          1986571               609 ns/op              16 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[100]BulkJobs[100]-2          41235             29004 ns/op              37 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[100]BulkJobs[1000]-2          4080            290791 ns/op             188 B/op          4 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[1000]BulkJobs[2]-2         1963564               605 ns/op              16 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[1000]BulkJobs[100]-2         42000             28442 ns/op              16 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[1000]BulkJobs[1000]-2         4333            284865 ns/op              17 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[10000]BulkJobs[2]-2        1963168               611 ns/op              16 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[10000]BulkJobs[100]-2        42238             28419 ns/op              16 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkBulkJobs_UnderLimit/PoolSize[10000]BulkJobs[1000]-2        4171            283981 ns/op              29 B/op          1 allocs/op

BenchmarkOneThroughput/PoolSize[S] = Enqueue Async Jobs ( Will not wait for result ) in a Pool of size = S

BenchmarkBulkJobs/PoolSize[S]BulkJobs[J] = Enqueue J Jobs In Pool of size S at a time where J < S


Example 1 - Simple Job Enqueue

func main() {
    concurrency := 2

    // Create and start pool.
    pool, _ := gpool.NewPool(concurrency)
    defer pool.Stop()

    // Create JOB
    resultChan1 := make(chan int)
    ctx := context.Background()
    job := func() {
        time.Sleep(2000 * time.Millisecond)
        resultChan1 <- 1337

    // Enqueue Job
    err1 := pool.Enqueue(ctx, job)
    if err1 != nil {
        log.Printf("Job was not enqueued. Error: [%s]", err1.Error())

    log.Printf("Job Enqueued and started processing")
    log.Printf("Job Done, Received: %v", <-resultChan1)

Example 2 - Enqueue A Job with Timeout

func main() {
  concurrency := 2

  // Create and start pool.
  pool, _ := gpool.NewPool(concurrency)
  defer pool.Stop()

  // Create JOB
  resultChan := make(chan int)
  ctx := context.Background()
  job := func() {
    resultChan <- 1337

  // Enqueue 2 Jobs to fill pool (Will not finish unless we pull result from resultChan)
  _ = pool.Enqueue(ctx, job)
  _ = pool.Enqueue(ctx, job)

  ctxWithTimeout, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 1000 * time.Millisecond)

  // Will block for 1 second only because of Timeout
  err1 := pool.Enqueue(ctxWithTimeout, job)

  if err1 != nil {
    log.Printf("Job was not enqueued. Error: [%s]", err1.Error())

  log.Printf("Job 1 Done, Received: %v", <-resultChan)
  log.Printf("Job 2 Done, Received: %v", <-resultChan)

Example 3

// size Workers / Concurrent jobs of the Pool
const concurrency = 2

func main() {
  pool, _ := gpool.NewPool(concurrency)
  defer pool.Stop()

  ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  defer cancel()

  go func() {
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

      // Small Interval for more readable output
      time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)

      go func(i int) {
        x := make(chan int, 1)

        log.Printf("Job [%v] Enqueueing", i)

        err := pool.Enqueue(ctx, func() {
          time.Sleep(2000 * time.Millisecond)
          x <- i

        if err != nil {
          log.Printf("Job [%v] was not enqueued. [%s]", i, err.Error())

        log.Printf("Job [%v] Enqueue-ed ", i)

        log.Printf("Job [%v] Receieved, Result: [%v]", i, <-x)

  // Uncomment to demonstrate ctx cancel of jobs.
  //time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

  time.Sleep(5000 * time.Millisecond)




  fmt.Println("Sleeping for couple of seconds so canceled job have a chance to print out their status")

  time.Sleep(4000 * time.Millisecond)


2019/01/08 20:15:39 Job [0] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:39 Job [0] Enqueue-ed
2019/01/08 20:15:39 Job [1] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:39 Job [1] Enqueue-ed
2019/01/08 20:15:40 Job [2] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:40 Job [3] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:41 Job [0] Receieved, Result: [0]
2019/01/08 20:15:41 Job [2] Enqueue-ed
2019/01/08 20:15:41 Job [4] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:41 Job [3] Enqueue-ed
2019/01/08 20:15:41 Job [1] Receieved, Result: [1]
2019/01/08 20:15:41 Job [5] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:42 Job [6] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:42 Job [7] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:43 Job [4] Enqueue-ed
2019/01/08 20:15:43 Job [2] Receieved, Result: [2]
2019/01/08 20:15:43 Job [8] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:43 Job [7] was not enqueued. [pool is closed]
2019/01/08 20:15:43 Job [5] was not enqueued. [pool is closed]
2019/01/08 20:15:43 Job [6] was not enqueued. [pool is closed]
2019/01/08 20:15:43 Job [3] Receieved, Result: [3]
2019/01/08 20:15:43 Job [8] was not enqueued. [pool is closed]
2019/01/08 20:15:43 Job [9] Enqueueing
2019/01/08 20:15:45 Job [4] Receieved, Result: [4]
Sleeping for couple of seconds so canceled job have a chance to print out their status
2019/01/08 20:15:45 Job [9] was not enqueued. [pool is closed]

Process finished with exit code 0


MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Sherif Abdel-Naby


PR(s) are Open and Welcomed.