


A Python implementation of the PV_Live web API. See https://www.solar.sheffield.ac.uk/pvlive/

Latest Version: 1.3.0

About this repository

How do I get set up?


There are three methods for extracting raw data from the PV_Live API:

MethodDescriptionDocs Link
PVLive.latest(entity_type="pes", entity_id=0, extra_fields="", period=30, dataframe=False)Get the latest PV_Live generation result from the API.🔗
PVLive.at_time(dt, entity_type="pes", entity_id=0, extra_fields="", period=30, dataframe=False)Get the PV_Live generation result for a given time from the API.🔗
PVLive.between(start, end, entity_type="pes", entity_id=0, extra_fields="", period=30, dataframe=False)Get the PV_Live generation result for a given time interval from the API.🔗

There are two methods for extracting derived statistics:

MethodDescriptionDocs Link
PVLive.day_peak(d, entity_type="pes", entity_id=0, extra_fields="", period=30, dataframe=False)Get the peak PV_Live generation result for a given day from the API.🔗
PVLive.day_energy(d, entity_type="pes", entity_id=0)Get the cumulative PV generation for a given day from the API.🔗

These methods include the following optional parameters:

entity_typeChoose between "pes" or "gsp". If querying for national data, this parameter can be set to either value (or left to it's default value) since setting entity_id to 0 will always return national data.
entity_idSet entity_id=0 (the default value) to return nationally aggregated data. If entity_type="pes", specify a pes_id to retrieve data for, else if entity_id="gsp", specify a gsp_id. For a full list of GSP and PES IDs, refer to the lookup table hosted on National Grid ESO's data portal here.
extra_fieldsUse this to extract additional fields from the API such as installedcapacity_mwp. For a full list of available fields, see the PV_Live API Docs.
periodSet the desired temporal resolution (in minutes) for PV outturn estimates. Options are 30 (default) or 5.
dataframeSet dataframe=True and the results will be returned as a Pandas DataFrame object which is generally much easier to work with. The columns of the DataFrame will be pes_id or gsp_id, datetime_gmt, generation_mw, plus any extra fields specified.

There is also a method for extracting PV deployment (a.k.a capacity) data:

MethodDescriptionDocs Link
PVLive.deployment(region="gsp", include_history=False, by_system_size=False, release=0)Download PV deployment datasets from the API.🔗

Code Examples

See pvlive_api_demo.py for more example usage.

The examples below assume you have imported the PVLive class and created a local instance called pvl:

from datetime import datetime
import pytz

from pvlive_api import PVLive

pvl = PVLive()
ExampleCodeExample Output
Get the latest nationally aggregated GB PV outturnpvl.latest()(0, '2021-01-20T11:00:00Z', 203.0)
Get the latest aggregated outturn for PES region 23 (Yorkshire)pvl.latest(entity_id=23)(23, '2021-01-20T14:00:00Z', 5.8833031)
Get the latest aggregated outturn for GSP ID 120 (INDQ1 or "Indian Queens")pvl.latest(entity_type="gsp", entity_id=120)(120, '2021-01-20T14:00:00Z', 1, 3.05604)
Get the nationally aggregated GB PV outturn for all of 2020 as a DataFramepvl.between(start=datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 30, tzinfo=pytz.utc), end=datetime(2021, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc), dataframe=True)Screenshot of output
Get a list of GSP IDspvl.gsp_idsarray([ 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 336, 337, 338])
Get a list of PES IDspvl.pes_idsarray([ 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 336, 337, 338])

To download data for all GSPs, use something like:

def download_pvlive_by_gsp(start, end, include_national=True, extra_fields=""):
    data = None
    pvl = PVLive()
    min_gsp_id = 0 if include_national else 1
    for gsp_id in pvl.gsp_ids:
        if gsp_id < min_gsp_id:
        data_ = pvl.between(start=start, end=end, entity_type="gsp", entity_id=gsp_id,
                            dataframe=True, extra_fields=extra_fields)
        if data is None:
            data = data_
            data = pd.concat((data, data_), ignore_index=True)
    return data

Command Line Utilities


This utility can be used to download data to a CSV file:

>> pv_live -h
usage: pv_live [-h] [-s "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>"] [-e "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>"]
               [--entity_type <entity_type>] [--entity_id <entity_id>]
               [--extra_fields <field1[,field2, ...]>] [--period <5|30>] [-q]
               [-o </path/to/output/file>] [-http <http_proxy>] [-https <https_proxy>]

This is a command line interface (CLI) for the PV_Live API module

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>", --start "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>"
                        Specify a UTC start date in 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' format
                        (inclusive), default behaviour is to retrieve the latest outturn.
  -e "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>", --end "<yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS>"
                        Specify a UTC end date in 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' format (inclusive),
                        default behaviour is to retrieve the latest outturn.
  --entity_type <entity_type>
                        Specify an entity type, either 'gsp' or 'pes'. Default is 'gsp'.
  --entity_id <entity_id>
                        Specify an entity ID, default is 0 (i.e. national).
  --extra_fields <field1[,field2, ...]>
                        Specify an extra_fields (as a comma-separated list to include when
                        requesting data from the API, defaults to 'installedcapacity_mwp'.
  --period <5|30>       Desired temporal resolution (in minutes) for PV outturn estimates.
                        Default is 30.
  -q, --quiet           Specify to not print anything to stdout.
  -o </path/to/output/file>, --outfile </path/to/output/file>
                        Specify a CSV file to write results to.
  -http <http_proxy>, --http-proxy <http_proxy>
                        HTTP Proxy address
  -https <https_proxy>, --https-proxy <https_proxy>
                        HTTPS Proxy address

Jamie Taylor & Ethan Jones, 2018-06-04

Using the Docker Image

There is also a Docker Image hosted on Docker Hub which can be used to download data from the PV_Live API with minimal setup:

>> docker run -it --rm sheffieldsolar/pv_live-api:<release> pv_live -h


How do I upgrade?

Sheffield Solar will endeavour to update this library in sync with the PV_Live API and ensure the latest version of this library always supports the latest version of the PV_Live API, but cannot guarantee this. To make sure you are forewarned of upcoming changes to the API, you should email solar@sheffield.ac.uk and request to be added to the PV_Live user mailing list.

To upgrade the code:

Notes on PV_Live GB national update cycle

Users should be aware that Sheffield Solar computes continuous retrospective updates to PV_Live outturn estimates i.e. we regularly re-calculate outturn estimates retrospectively and these updated estimates are reflected immediately in the data delivered via the API.

As of 2023-05-02, the first estimate of the PV outturn for a given settlement period is computed ~5 minutes after the end of the half hour in question and is typically available via the API within 6 minutes

e.g. the initial estimate of the GB PV outturn for the period 14:30 - 15:00 UTC on 2023-05-02 (i.e. 15:30 - 16:00 BST) would become available at ~16:06 BST on 2023-05-02 and will be labelled using the timestamp at the end of the interval (in UTC): '2023-05-02 15:00:00'

This outturn estimate is not final though - Sheffield Solar will continue to make retrospective revisions as

Since the PV_Live model produces outturn estimates, they will never strictly speaking be final, as there will always be things we can do to refine the model and improve accuracy. That said, there are some notable/routine retrospective revisions to be aware of:

In order to maintain a local copy of the PV_Live GB national outturn estimates that is as in sync with our own latest/best estimates as possible, we recommend the following polling cycle:

Who do I talk to?



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