


:warning: Check out our MacOS/Windows Software on our official webpage.

Fawkes is a privacy protection system developed by researchers at SANDLab, University of Chicago. For more information about the project, please refer to our project webpage. Contact us at fawkes-team@googlegroups.com.

We published an academic paper to summarize our work "Fawkes: Protecting Personal Privacy against Unauthorized Deep Learning Models" at USENIX Security 2020.


This code is intended only for personal privacy protection or academic research.


$ fawkes



fawkes -d ./imgs --mode low

or python3 protection.py -d ./imgs --mode low


How do I know my images are secure?

We are actively working on this. Python scripts that can test the protection effectiveness will be ready shortly.

Quick Installation

Install from PyPI:

pip install fawkes

If you don't have root privilege, please try to install on user namespace: pip install --user fawkes.

Academic Research Usage

For academic researchers, whether seeking to improve fawkes or to explore potential vunerability, please refer to the following guide to test Fawkes.

To protect a class in a dataset, first move the label's image to a separate location and run Fawkes. Please use --debug option and set batch-size to a reasonable number (i.e 16, 32). If the images are already cropped and aligned, then also use the no-align option.


  title={Fawkes: Protecting Personal Privacy against Unauthorized Deep Learning Models},
  author={Shan, Shawn and Wenger, Emily and Zhang, Jiayun and Li, Huiying and Zheng, Haitao and Zhao, Ben Y},
  booktitle={Proc. of {USENIX} Security},