

A Unified MRC Framework for Named Entity Recognition

The repository contains the code of the recent research advances in Shannon.AI.

A Unified MRC Framework for Named Entity Recognition <br> Xiaoya Li, Jingrong Feng, Yuxian Meng, Qinghong Han, Fei Wu and Jiwei Li<br> In ACL 2020. paper<br> If you find this repo helpful, please cite the following:

  title={A Unified MRC Framework for Named Entity Recognition},
  author={Li, Xiaoya and Feng, Jingrong and Meng, Yuxian and Han, Qinghong and Wu, Fei and Li, Jiwei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.11476},

For any question, please feel free to post Github issues. <br>

Install Requirements

We build our project on pytorch-lightning. If you want to know more about the arguments used in our training scripts, please refer to pytorch-lightning documentation.

Baseline: BERT-Tagger

We release code, scripts and datafiles for fine-tuning BERT and treating NER as a sequence labeling task. <br>

MRC-NER: Prepare Datasets

You can download the preprocessed MRC-NER datasets used in our paper. <br> For flat NER datasets, please use ner2mrc/mrsa2mrc.py to transform your BMES NER annotations to MRC-format. <br> For nested NER datasets, please use ner2mrc/genia2mrc.py to transform your start-end NER annotations to MRC-format. <br>

MRC-NER: Training

The main training procedure is in train/mrc_ner_trainer.py

Scripts for reproducing our experimental results can be found in the ./scripts/mrc_ner/reproduce/ folder. Note that you need to change DATA_DIR, BERT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR to your own dataset path, bert model path and log path, respectively. <br> For example, run ./scripts/mrc_ner/reproduce/ace04.sh will start training MRC-NER models and save intermediate log to $OUTPUT_DIR/train_log.txt. <br> During training, the model trainer will automatically evaluate on the dev set every val_check_interval epochs, and save the topk checkpoints to $OUTPUT_DIR. <br>

MRC-NER: Evaluation

After training, you can find the best checkpoint on the dev set according to the evaluation results in $OUTPUT_DIR/train_log.txt. <br> Then run python3 evaluate/mrc_ner_evaluate.py $OUTPUT_DIR/<best_ckpt_on_dev>.ckpt $OUTPUT_DIR/lightning_logs/<version_0/hparams.yaml> to evaluate on the test set with the best checkpoint chosen on dev.

MRC-NER: Inference

Code for inference using the trained MRC-NER model can be found in inference/mrc_ner_inference.py file. <br> For flat NER, we provide the inference script in flat_inference.sh <br> For nested NER, we provide the inference script in nested_inference.sh