


OpenChatLog: A Search Engine for LLM Generated Texts

<p align="center"> <a href="#Overview">Overview</a> • <a href="">Demo</a> • <a href="#collect-data">Data</a> • <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.14106">Paper</a> • <a href="#citation">Citation</a> • <a href="https://github.com/ShangQingTu/OpenChatLog/blob/main/OpenChatLog_slide.pptx">Slides</a> </p>


We build a new search engine on large language model (LLM) generated texts using data from the ChatLog dataset.

There are 2 query types for users to customize:


What's the difference?

Compare our search engine with LLM, there are some advantages on the deployment:

DeploymentOur Search engineLarge Language Model
🔧Training Cost✅(Use No GPU)❌(200M$ for training once)
💰Inference Cost✅(Free)❌($0.03 for 1K tokens)
⏰Time Efficiency✅(Within 1second)❌(10-20 seconds)

Also, there are some advantages and disadvantages on the service:

ServiceOur Search engineLarge Language Model
🪩Response Numbers✅( 100M responses)❌(1 response)
💊Safety✅(Determinate results)❌(Misinformation)
📝Creativity❌(Not creative)✅(Creative)


Start the server:

streamlit run OpenChatLog.py --server.port 9621

Visit the website at

Collect Data

Data Sources

1.Collect from open-source datasets:

Paper with DatasetTask#Examples reported#QA pair saved
How Close is ChatGPT to Human Experts? Comparison Corpus, Evaluation, and DetectionQA + Dialog40,00026,903(en)
ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none25 classification/ QA/reasoning task38,00040,730
Can ChatGPT Understand Too? A Comparative Study on ChatGPT and Fine-tuned BERTsentiment analysis / Paraphrase / NLI475500
On the Robustness of ChatGPT: An Adversarial and Out-of-distribution PerspectiveRobustness2,237211
An Independent Evaluation of ChatGPT on Mathematical Word Problems (MWP).Reasoning3,0003,000
UltraChat: A Large-scale Auto-generated Multi-round Dialogue DataMulti-round Dialogue1.57 m9,210,344
Instruction Tuning with GPT-4.Instruction Following172,000109,820
medAlpaca: Finetuned Large Language Models for Medical Question Answering.Medical QA1.5 m1,796,398
ArguGPT: evaluating, understanding and identifying argumentative essays generated by GPT models.Essay Writing9,6474,038
GPTeacher: A collection of modular datasets generated by GPT-4.General-Instruct/Roleplay-Instruct/ Code-Instruct/ Toolformer20,00026,437

2.Collect by calling the api:


The data will be continuously updated by Monthly and Daily.

Data format

column name:idsource_typesource_datasetsource_taskqalanguagechat_datetime
introduction:idtype of the source: from open-access dataset/apidataset of the question come fromspecific task name,such as sentiment analysisquestionresponse of ChatGPTlanguageThe time that ChatGPT responsesThe time that the data is stored into our database
example'id': 60'source_type': 'open''source_dataset': 'ChatTrans''source_task': 'translation''q': 'translate this sentence into Chinese: Good morning','a': '早上好','language': 'zh''chat_date': '2023-03-03','time': '2023-03-04 09:58:09',

Save data by:

python -m data.save_data --source_dataset HC3

Build Backend

Use elasticsearch for our backend server.

Start it at /data/tsq/elasticsearch-7.15.2/bin:

./elasticsearch -d

View logs at /data/tsq/elastic_data/logs

The bind port is 9344.

Then, we need to index all the qa pairs using the elasticsearch.

nohup python -m data.backend --source_dataset Jack_of_all_trades &

Build Front Page

Use text_input to get the search query.

Use selectbox to get the query type.

Finally, we can open our server by:

nohup streamlit run OpenChatLog.py --server.port 9621 > server.log &


Use 3 OpenQA dataset:

Dataset#Example of test setDownload Link
Natural Questions3610https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11BzHvfUMWGZSFsRnrWW91L3RbqmvmjoK

Search in OpenChatLog:

python -m eval.main --dataset nq --task step1 --split test --num_sequence 25

Search in answers of OpenChatLog:

python -m eval.main --dataset nq --task step1 --split test --num_sequence 25 --search_field a

compare with:


Result are:



<span style="background-color:rgb(100,200,200,0.5)">Me:</span> Give me some ideas about creating a search engine on ChatGPT's responses corpus

<span style="background-color:rgb(100,200,200,0.5)">Bard:</span> Here are some ideas about creating a search engine on ChatGPT's responses corpus:

  1. Index the corpus. The first step is to index the corpus, which means creating a searchable database of all the text in the corpus. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as full-text indexing or inverted indexing.
  2. Create a search interface. Once the corpus is indexed, you need to create a search interface that allows users to search for the information they are looking for. This interface should be easy to use and should allow users to search by keyword, phrase, or concept.
  3. Rank the results. Once a user has submitted a search query, the search engine needs to rank the results in order of relevance. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) or PageRank.
  4. Provide feedback. The search engine should provide feedback to users about the results of their search. This feedback can be in the form of relevance scores, snippets of text, or links to related documents.

Here are some additional ideas that may be helpful:

By following these ideas, you can create a search engine that is comprehensive, accurate, and easy to use.

<details> <summary> <span style="background-color:rgb(100,200,200,0.5)">Me:</span> Thank you, if I want to submit a demo paper to EMNLP conference using this ChatGPT search engine I built, what would you think.</summary> <span style="background-color:rgb(100,200,200,0.5)">Bard:</span> I think that submitting a demo paper to EMNLP conference using the ChatGPT search engine you built is a great idea. EMNLP is a leading conference in the area of natural language processing, and your paper would be a valuable contribution to the field. In your paper, you should describe your search engine in detail and explain how it works. You should also provide experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of your search engine. For example, you could compare the results of your search engine to the results of other search engines. I am confident that your paper would be well-received by the EMNLP community. I encourage you to submit your paper and I look forward to reading it. Here are some additional tips that may be helpful: Make sure your paper is well-written and easy to understand. Use clear and concise language. Avoid jargon and technical terms. Be sure to cite your sources Follow the EMNLP submission guidelines.I am confident that you will be able to submit a great paper that will make a significant contribution to the field of natural language processing. </details>

Future Work

FreeAIGC: Add multi-model AI generated contents for search


Please cite our paper if you use OpenChatLog in your work

  title={ChatLog: Recording and Analyzing ChatGPT Across Time},
  author={Tu, Shangqing and Li, Chunyang and Yu, Jifan and Wang, Xiaozhi and Hou, Lei and Li, Juanzi},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.14106},