

<p align="center"><img src="https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-706f37c5cbc54e415892478836e8acb5.webp"></p>

🎈 Hydrogen

Voted the world's lightest static-site generator built with TypeScript ❤ It uses 🔥 lit-html inspired templating for super duper performant template generation.

BTW Hydrogen is much faster than @11ty/eleventy 😜

Netlify Status Version codecov Downloads/week License


Quick start

Add Hydrogen CLI to your project

$ npm install hydrogen-cli --save-dev

Create a simple index.js file with below code

const page = ({ title, data, head }) => `
  <!DOCTYPE html>

module.exports = {
  title: 'Welcome to Hydrogen',
  data: () => ({
    project: 'Hydrogen',
    description: 'Super fast static-site generator'
  head: ({ data }) => [
    ['meta', { name: 'description', content: data.description }]

Run the below command to generate your template to HTML

$ npx hydrogen generate index.js

The below HTML is outputted to an HTML file with the same name as the source index.html

  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Welcome to Hydrogen</title>
      <meta name="description" content="Super fast static-site generator" />
      <p>Super fast static-site generator</p>

If you want to see a more advanced setup using Hydrogen, checkout ⚙ Advanced Setup


Pull requests are more than welcome :)

  1. Install Docker
  2. Clone repo
  3. All commands are in the package.json file

Docker is optional and if you want to debug the build process refer to 🐛 Debugging Build Process

Run the below commands:

$ yarn docker:setup # Builds Docker image and create Docker container

$ yarn docker:start # Starts Docker image

$ yarn docker:cli:dev # Runs CLI in dev mode

This will run your changes to the Hydrogen CLI over the Hydrogen documentation

Note: There are pre-commit and pre-push hooks that run tests

