


Cross framework, cross platform computer vision library for Haxe.


This Library is organized into 5 subfolders, and one important file:


For more tutorials (or further details about the tutorials here) check out the links below:

Creating an image

Create a blank image for drawing:

var image = new Image(200, 300, Color.WHITE); //creates a new, 200x300 image with a white background


image.setPixel(10, 35, 0xff3204);
image.drawLine(1,1, 34, 67, Color.LIME);

Create an image from a URL:

var image:Image;
    data -> {
        image = data;

Add that image to the screen (available on platforms & libraries that support drawing on screen):

using vision.tools.ImageTools;


image.addToScreen(0, 0); //alternatively, you can do - ImageTools.addToScreen(image, 0, 0)

Basic Image Manipulation

Vision.convolve(image, BoxBlur);


using vision.Vision;


Implicit Conversions From/To Framework Specific Graphical Types

import openfl.display.BitmapData;
import vision.ds.Image;

var future = BitmapData.loadFromFile("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/Valve_original_%281%29.PNG/300px-Valve_original_%281%29.PNG");
future.onComplete(bitmapData -> {
	var image:Image = bitmapData; // converts the given openfl.display.BitmapData to vision.ds.Image
   // The conversions are lossless, so you never lose data.
	addChild(new Bitmap(image)); //converts back to a BitmapData.

Using MathTools

import vision.tools.MathTools;
using vision.tools.MathTools;

var ray = new Ray2D({x: 0, y: 0}, 1); //f(x) = x
trace(ray.distanceFromRayToPoint2D({1, 0}) /* function from MathTools */); // sqrt(2) / 2
trace(MathTools.median([[12, 123, 321, 4, 333], [12, 123, 145, 321, 4], [12, 123, 264, 321, 4], [12, 123, 234, 321, 4]].flatten())); //123;
//you can even chain calls
trace([[[[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]]]].flatten().flatten().flatten().flatten().median()); // 4


Vision's versioning will try to follow semver's specifications as accuratly as possible. Here is a list of what can change across version types:

✔️: This type of modification is allowed
❌: This type of modification is disallowed
❓: This type of modification may occur from time to time

<table> <tr> <th>Version Type</th> <th>Changes Allowed</th> </tr> <tr> <td>patch (x.x.Y)</td> <td><table> <tr> <td>code changes</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>documentation</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>deprecation notices</td> <td>❌</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Implementation overhauls</td> <td>❌</td> </tr> <tr> <td>API additions</td> <td>❓</td> </tr> <tr> <td>API changes</td> <td>❌</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Major API changes</td> <td>❌</td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td>minor (x.Y.x)</td> <td><table> <tr> <td>code changes</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>documentation</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>deprecation notices</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Implementation overhauls</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>API additions</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>API changes</td> <td>❓</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Major API changes</td> <td>❌</td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td>major (Y.x.x)</td> <td><table> <tr> <td>code changes</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>documentation</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>deprecation notices</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Implementation overhauls</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>API additions</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>API changes</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Major API changes</td> <td>✔️</td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table>


Vision is a cross framework, cross platform Computer Vision & Image Manipulation library for Haxe.
This library exists to provide CV & IM capabilities to Haxe projects, naturally:

What Does That Mean?

Basically, if you're using HaxeFlixel for example, you should be able to easily use an FlxSprite as an image to process, or if you're using OpenFL you should be able to use bitmaps and sprites to process.

Why Does This Library Exist?

One of the problems i have with Haxe is the lack of non-game utilities and libraries. my goal is to provide those utilities, and make app development in Haxe easier.

Contributions Are Welcomed.

I'm not the best at everything I do, especially in fields like computer vision, with which im not the most familiar. That means there are bound to be mistakes/bugs. Because of that, every issue, pull request or code review is welcomed. Help me make this library bigger and better for everyone :)

About Documentation

One of the things I can't stand with libraries similar to this one is the lack of docs, and unclear, obfuscated code.

If you see some code that you think is not understandable, or some place that lacks documentation, or even inaccurate/unclear documentation, please open an issue about it, and I'd try to resolve it asap ;).

Define List:

vision_disable_point_alloc_optimizationenabling this makes every IntPoint2D allocate two integers as a class instance instead of working as an abstract over a 64 bit integer. The allocation optimization is enabled by default to reduce allocations, but you can flip this flag if your'e capped to 32bit integers1.0.0 - now
vision_better_grayscaleWhen enabled, grayscaling is done a bit differently to get an image that more closely resembles the original image. If you're noticing problems with grayscaling, turn this off.1.0.0 - 1.1.1
vision_quietWhen enabled, no errors are thrown from this library's components, and an effort is made to return the "expected" value. For example, gaussian kernel's size would be incremented if even, and a getPixel call outside the bounds of the image should return the closest pixel to that point.1.0.0 - now
vision_allow_resizeWhen enabled, you can resize an image by directly setting its width/height property. Bilinear interpolation is used by default. If you wish to change this, change defaultResizeAlgorithm in ImageTools.1.0.0 - now
vision_multithreadAttempts to use multithreaded versions of some algorithms - might boost performance. Available on both web & sys.1.0.0 - now
vision_higher_width_capallows using images wider than 65535 pixels, but makes the image byte offset bigger (11 to 21 bytes) (for more information about the byte offset, click here). Also allows image views to be wider & taller than 65535 pixels.1.2.0 - now
vision_fancy_array_accessEnables a fancy, shortened way to access arrays of multi-dimensional arrays (specifically Array2D) using double square brackets: array[[x, y]]. This is enabled by default. When disabled, only direct get and set calls are allowed.2.0.0 - now
vision_hlc_color_compileWhen compiling to C code using the C transpiler of Hashlink, the word TRANSPARENT can clash with existing #defines in the resulting C code. To work around this, the defines disables Color.TRANSPARENT. You can use Color.TRANSPARENT_COLOR instead.2.0.0 - now