


<img src="img/logo.png" > <h4>Js spritesheet generator & hitboxes definer</h4> <span> Lalia sprite is a tool that you can easily (like a web site) run locally in order to generate your spritesheet with different sprite sizes and define for each sprite the hit areas (or collide zone).

Lalia sprite generate a .png file (the spritesheet) and a .json file (the spritesheet details and hitboxes details ) </span>

<h4>Preview</h4> <img src="img/preview.png" > <h2>Getting started</h2> <h4>Installation</h4> <span>Download the zip , unzip it in your server local directory and access to localhost/laliasprite.</span> <h2>Usage</h2> <h4>Phaser JS</h4> <span> In your Phaser game code , load the .json file () and the .png file like this</span> <span><em> All the functions below are in laliasprite.js</em></span> <pre> <code> //In your preload function

function preload() { var mySprite; new lsload(game, 'ref', 'laliasprite.png' ,'laliasprite.json');

</code> </pre> <pre> <code> //In your preload function function create() { //Add the sprite mySprite = new lsadd(game, 'ref', 250, 200, 0); ... //Set an animation (This replaces sprite.animations.add() ) myAnimation = [1,2,3,4]; setaction(mySprite, "jump", myAnimation); .... } </code> </pre> <pre> <code> //In your update function function update() { //When an event is triggered //call objects = [aSprite, anotherSprite, ...]; function myCallback() { //do stuffs } playaction(mySprite, "ref", "jump", 200, "action|hit|both", objects, myCallback); } </code> </pre> <h5>You can write your own functions to handle the spritesheet and the hitboxes : Just look at to "laliasprite.js" functions structure or the .json file</h5>