

Learning Adaptive Classifiers Synthesis for Generalized Few-Shot Learning

The code repository for "Learning Adaptive Classifiers Synthesis for Generalized Few-Shot Learning" (Accepted by IJCV) in PyTorch. If you use any content of this repo for your work, please cite the following bib entry:

      author    = {Han-Jia Ye and
                   Hexiang Hu and
                   De-Chuan Zhan},
      title     = {Learning Adaptive Classifiers Synthesis for Generalized Few-Shot Learning},
      journal   = {International Journal of Computer Vision},
      volume    = {129},
      number    = {6},
      pages     = {1930--1953},
      year      = {2021}

Generalized Few-Shot Learning

Object recognition in the real-world requires handling long-tailed or even open-ended data. An ideal visual system needs to recognize the populated head visual concepts reliably and meanwhile efficiently learn about emerging new tail categories with a few training instances. Class-balanced many-shot learning and few-shot learning tackle one side of this problem, by either learning strong classifiers for head or learning to learn few-shot classifiers for the tail. We investigate the problem of generalized few-shot learning (GFSL) --- a model during the deployment is required to learn about tail categories with few shots and simultaneously classify the head classes.

<img src='imgs/gfsl.png' width='640' height='200'>

Adaptive Classifiers Synthesis

We propose the ClAssifier SynThesis LEarning (Castle), a learning framework that learns how to synthesize calibrated few-shot classifiers in addition to the multi-class classifiers of head classes with a shared neural dictionary, shedding light upon the inductive GFSL. Furthermore, we propose an adaptive version of Castle (ACastle) that adapts the head classifiers conditioned on the incoming tail training examples, yielding a framework that allows effective backward knowledge transfer. As a consequence, ACastle can handle GFSL with classes from heterogeneous domains.

<img src='imgs/architecture.png' width='640' height='200'>

Generalized Few-shot Learning Results

Experimental results on MiniImageNet with ResNet-12 backbone (Same as this repo). We report average results with 10,000 randomly sampled few-shot learning episodes for stablized evaluation. Different from the standard few-shot learning, the model is required to discern over the novel classes and all SEEN classes.

5-Way Harmonic Mean Accuracy (Classification over 64 head and 5 tail categories)

Setups1-Shot 5-Way5-Shot 5-WayLink to Weights
MC0.000.001-Shot, 5-Shot
ProtoNet19.2667.731-Shot, 5-Shot
Castle66.2276.321-Shot, 5-Shot
ACastle66.2478.331-Shot, 5-Shot

20-Way Harmonic Mean Accuracy (Classification over 64 head and 20 tail categories)

Setups1-Shot 20-Way5-Shot 20-WayLink to Weights
MC0.000.001-Shot, 5-Shot
ProtoNet17.7155.511-Shot, 5-Shot
Castle43.0655.651-Shot, 5-Shot
ACastle43.6356.331-Shot, 5-Shot

Standard Few-shot Learning Results

Experimental results on MiniImageNet with ResNet-12 backbone (Same as this repo). We report average results with 10,000 randomly sampled few-shot learning episodes for stablized evaluation.

Accuracy on MiniImageNet Dataset

Setups1-Shot 5-Way5-Shot 5-WayLink to Weights
ProtoNet62.3980.531-Shot, 5-Shot
Castle66.7581.981-Shot, 5-Shot
ACastle66.8382.081-Shot, 5-Shot


The following packages are required to run the scripts:


MiniImageNet Dataset

The MiniImageNet dataset is a subset of the ImageNet that includes a total number of 100 classes and 600 examples per class. We follow the previous setup, and use 64 classes as SEEN categories, 16 and 20 as two sets of UNSEEN categories for model validation and evaluation, respectively. The auxiliary images for evaluating SEEN categories could be downloaded from here.

TieredImageNet Dataset

TieredImageNet is a large-scale dataset with more categories, which contains 351, 97, and 160 categoriesfor model training, validation, and evaluation, respectively. The dataset can also be download from here. We only test TieredImageNet with ResNet backbone in our work. The auxiliary images for evaluating SEEN categories could be downloaded from here.

Code Structures

To reproduce our experiments with FEAT, please use train_gfsl.py. eval_gfsl can evaluate a GFSL model dierectly. There are four parts in the code.


The train_gfsl.py and eval_gfsl.py take similar command line options (details are in the model/utils.py):

Task Related Arguments

Optimization Related Arguments

Model Related Arguments

Model Evaluation Criteria

Other Arguments

Running the command without arguments will train the models with the default hyper-parameter values. Loss changes will be recorded as a tensorboard file.

Training and evaluation scripts for ACastle

To train the 1-shot/5-shot 5-way ACastle model with ResNet-12 backbone on MiniImageNet:

$ python train_gfsl.py  --max_epoch 50 --batch_size 128 --model_class ACastle  --backbone_class Res12 --dataset MiniImageNet --way 5 --eval_way 5 --shot 1 --eval_shot 1 --query 15 --eval_query 15 --temperature 1 --lr 0.0002 --lr_mul 1 --lr_scheduler step --step_size 10 --gamma 0.1 --gpu 0 --init_weights ./saves/initialization/miniimagenet/Res12-pre.pth  --dp_rate 0.5 --test_mode GFSL --num_tasks 256 --sample_class 16
$ python train_gfsl.py  --max_epoch 50 --batch_size 128 --model_class ACastle  --backbone_class Res12 --dataset MiniImageNet --way 5 --eval_way 5 --shot 5 --eval_shot 5 --query 15 --eval_query 15 --temperature 1 --lr 0.0002 --lr_mul 10 --lr_scheduler step --step_size 10 --gamma 0.5 --gpu 0 --init_weights ./saves/initialization/miniimagenet/Res12-pre.pth  --dp_rate 0.5 --test_mode GFSL --num_tasks 256 --sample_class 16

to evaluate the GFSL performance of the 1-shot/5-shot 20-way models with ResNet-12 backbone on MiniImageNet (change eval_way to 5 when evaluating the 5-way GFSL performance):

$ python eval_gfsl.py --dataset MiniImageNet --eval_way 20 --eval_shot 1 --model_path './saves/initialization/miniimagenet/Res12-pre.pth'  --model_class CLS --gpu 0 --num_workers 4 --num_eval_episodes 10000
$ python eval_gfsl.py --dataset MiniImageNet --eval_way 20 --eval_shot 1 --model_path './saves/learned/miniimagenet/protonet-1-shot.pth' --model_class ProtoNet --gpu 0 --num_workers 4 --num_eval_episodes 10000
$ python eval_gfsl.py --dataset MiniImageNet --eval_way 20 --eval_shot 1 --model_path './saves/learned/miniimagenet/castle-1-shot-GFSL.pth' --model_class Castle --gpu 0 --num_workers 4 --num_eval_episodes 10000
$ python eval_gfsl.py --dataset MiniImageNet --eval_way 20 --eval_shot 1 --model_path './saves/learned/miniimagenet/acastle-1-shot-GFSL.pth' --model_class ACastle --gpu 0 --num_workers 4 --num_eval_episodes 10000


We thank following repos providing helpful components/functions in our work.