


Community browser extension for the self-hosted miniflux bookmark service.

Fork from linkding-injector


* experimental, please read this if you have problems


1. Create a Miniflux API Key

After installation the extension needs to be configured and connected to your Miniflux instance, create your API key in http://your-miniflux-domain/keys, then copy that API keys


2. Setting the extension setting

Either open the extension options in the browser extension manager or follow the link in the new Miniflux injector box on the search page of google or duckduckgo.

Then paste the API keys you copy before, and fill in the Base URL with your Miniflux server's URL

<img src="./docs/config.png" alt="config sreenshot" style="width:250px;">

Once the extension is properly configured, miniflux search results will show in the right sidebar. If there are no search results nothing will appear.


duckduckgo google




Internally, we use web-ext to bundle a distribution package for the extension for Firefox. You do not need to install web-ext. Note that web-ext will generate a zip file which can also be used for the Chrome Web Store.

Then run the following script to generate a build (might need to make the file executable on Linux using chmod +x build.sh):

./build.sh # Linux
./build.ps1 # Windows

The script does:

After the build the root directory contains the complete, unpackaged extension. Use the manifest.json file to load it manually into the browser.

The packaged extension can be found in the web-ext-artifacts folder.

