

Asset Bundle Extractor

.assets and AssetBundle editor.
Not affiliated with Unity Technologies.

UABE is an editor for 3.4+/4/5/2017-2021.3 .assets and AssetBundle files. It can create standalone mod installers from changes to .assets and/or bundles.

There are multiple plugins to convert assets from/to common file formats :


UABE can be built within Visual Studio (Community) 2022 using the Open Folder option (CMake).

The non-proprietary dependencies are downloaded and patched during CMake configuration.
The proprietary dependencies are optional and can be disabled:

To embed the proprietary SDKs, set the PVRTexTool_ROOT and FMOD_ROOT CMake variables accordingly.
The CMakeSettings.Example.json shows how a CMakeSettings.json for Visual Studio could look like.
If the build process cannot find the SDKs, check if the cmake files in CMakeModules look in the correct subfolders. Also note that UABE is still using an old version of FMOD (with plans to substitute it entirely), so it may not work with recent versions.

Portability Notes


UABE is licensed under the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 (EPL 2.0) license (see Licenses/license.txt).
See Readme.License.txt for more details, including a listing of dependencies and copyright notices.