Awesome PHP value objects
Awesome list of various PHP value objects.
Table of contents
- cultuurnet/valueobjects
- Antnee/PHP-Value-Objects
- bruli/php-value-objects
- danitome24/php-valueobject
- tanigami/value-objects-php
- g4code/value-object
- biberlabs/ddd-embeddables
- dave-redfern/somnambulist-value-objects
- Aerendir/PHPValueObjects
- gws/php-valueobjects
- apioo/psx-uri
- vasildakov/postcode
- randock/value-object
- funeralzone/valueobjects
- smartemailing/types
- nepada/email-address
- wmde/email-address
- wmde/Euro
- Crell/HtmlModel
- spatie/data-transfer-object
- Litipk/php-bignumbers
- php-collective/decimal-object
cultuurnet/valueobjects PHP 5.5
This is a fork of the nicolopignatelli/valueobjects
library which was removed from GitHub. Not maintained.
Category | Value Objects |
Data Structure | Enum, Collection, Dictionary, KeyValuePair |
Climate | Temperature, Celcius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, RelativeHumidity |
DateTime | Date, DateTime, DateTimeWithTimeZone, Hour, Minute, Month, MonthDay, Second, Time, TimeZone, WeekDay, Year |
Geography | Address, Continent, Coordinate, Country, CountryCode, CountryCodeName, DistanceFormula, DistanceUnit, Ellipsoid, Latitude, Longitude, Street |
Identity | MacAddress, UUID |
Money | Currency, CurrencyCode, Money |
Person | Age, Gender, Name |
Scalar | BooleanLiteral, BooleanString, Complex, Integer, Natural, Real, RoundingMode, NullValue, StringLiteral |
Web | Domain, EmailAddress, FragmentIdentifier, Hostname, IPAddress, IPAddressVersion, IPv4Address, IPv6Address, NullFragmentIdentifier, NullPortNumber, NullQueryString, Path, PortNumber, QueryString, SchemeName, Url |
Antnee/PHP-Value-Objects PHP 5.5
Category | Value Objects |
Web | EmailAddress |
Person | PhoneNumber |
User | Id, Password |
bruli/php-value-objects PHP 5.6
Category | Value Objects |
Geography | CountryCode, LanguageCode, Latitude, Locale, Longitude |
Identity | Md5ValueObject, Sha1ValueObject, Sha256ValueObject, Uuid |
Money | Currency |
Scalar | BooleanValueObject, FloatValueObject, IntegerValueObject, NaturalNumber, StringLiteral |
Spatial | MultiPolygonValueObject, PolygonValueObject |
Web | Email, Ipv4, Ipv6, TcpPort, Url |
danitome24/php-valueobject PHP 7.1
Simple project with some Value objects that author use on his personal projects.
Category | Value Objects |
Geography | Address, Latitude, Longitude, PostalCode |
Identifier | Uuid |
Person | Age, Female, Gender, Grams, Height, Kilograms, Male, Name, Neutral, Pounds, Weight |
Phone | CellPhone, LandlinePhone, Phone |
User | Email, Password, Username |
tanigami/value-objects-php PHP 7.0
Yet another collection of Value Object implementation in PHP.
Category | Value Objects |
Geography | Country, Latitude, Longitude, Japan: Region, Prefecture, PrefectureSuffix |
Money | Currency, Money |
DateTime | Date, TimeLength, TimeOfDay, TimeRange, TimeRangeOfDay |
Web | Email, EmailAddress, EmailAttachment, HttpMethod, IpAddressV4, IpAddressV6, Url |
Category | Value Objects |
Data Sructure | ArrayList, Dictionary |
DateTime | TimestampValue |
Development | AssetsUrl, Environment, SemanticVersioning |
E-commerce | Vat |
Identity | Base64Encoded, Md5, Sha1, Uuid |
Geography | Coordinate, CountryCode, LanguageCode |
Money | Currency, |
Person | Birthday, Gender |
Scalar | BooleanValue, IntegerNumber, StringLiteral |
Web | Device, DomainName, Email, EmailType, GACode, HttpMethod, Ip, Location, Pathname, PortNumber, RealPath, RelativePath, Url |
biberlabs/ddd-embeddables PHP 5.6
A collection of reusable value objects written in PHP and targeting versions 5.6 and above.
Category | Value Objects |
Color | Color |
DateTime | DateRange |
Geography | GeoPoint |
Person | Fullname |
Web | EmailAddress, IpAddress, IpRange |
dave-redfern/somnambulist-value-objects PHP 7.0
This library provides an abstract base class that provides a basic equality test and foundation for your VOs along with a couple of basic types.
Category | Value Objects |
Auth | PublicPrivateKey |
DateTime | DateTime, TimeZone |
Geography | Coordinate, Country, CountryCode, CountryCodeMappings, Srid |
Identity | Aggregate, EmailAddress, Uuid |
Measure | Area, AreaUnit, Distance, DistanceUnit |
Money | Currency, CurrencyCode, CurrencyCodeMappings, Money |
Person | PhoneNumber |
Web | IPv4Address, IPv6Address, IpAddress, Url |
Aerendir/PHPValueObjects PHP 5.6
A set of PHP Value Objects to manage simple and composite values.
Category | Value Objects |
Address | Address |
Money | CurrencyExchangeRate, Money |
Person | Phone |
E-commerce | Payment, Tax, VatNumber, VatRate |
Web | Email, Ip, Uri |
gws/php-valueobjects PHP 5.4
PHP value objects (PoEAA)
Category | Value Objects |
DateTime | DateRange, DateTimeRange |
Money | Money |
Web | Ip, Mac |
apioo/psx-uri PHP 7.0
URI, URL and URN immutable value objects
Category | Value Objects |
Web | Uri, Url, Urn |
vasildakov/postcode PHP 5.4
Value Object that represents an UK postcode
Category | Value Objects |
Geography | Postcode |
randock/value-object PHP 7.1
Value Objects
Category | Value Objects |
Geography | Country, Nationality |
Money | Currency, ExchangeRate, Money |
Person | Phone |
funeralzone/valueobjects PHP 7.1
This library only deals with fundamental values (scalars)
Category | Value Objects |
Scalar | Nullable, Set, NonNullSet, NullableSet |
smartemailing/types PHP 7.1
Missing data types for PHP 7.1. Highly extendable, production tested.
Category | Value Objects |
Address | Address |
Company | CompanyRegistrationNumber |
DateTime | DateTimeRange, Duration, TimeUnit |
Enums | LawfulBasisForProcessing, CurrencyCode, FieldOfApplication, TimeUnit, Relation |
Identity | Guid, Iban |
Geography | CountryCode, ZipCode |
Money | CurrencyCode, Price, SwiftBic, VatId |
Person | PhineNumber, FieldOfApplication |
Scalar | JsonString, Hex32, Base64String, Quantity, Part, ReLUValue, SigmoidValue, UniqueIntArray, UniqueStringArray |
Web | Domain, Emailaddress, IpAddress, UrlType, Port, LoginCredentials |
nepada/email-address PHP 7.1
Email address value object.
Category | Value Objects |
Web | EmailAddress |
wmde/email-address PHP 7.0
Email Address value object written in PHP 7.
Category | Value Objects |
Web | EmailAddress |
wmde/Euro PHP 7.1
Value Object that represents a positive amount of Euro.
Category | Value Objects |
Money | Euro |
Crell/HtmlModel PHP 7.1
Domain value objects for modeling HTML pages.
Category | Value Objects |
Development | AttributeBag, BaseElement, HeadElement, HtmlFragment, HtmlPage, KeywordsMetaElement, LinkElement, MetaCharsetElement, MetaElement, MetaRefreshElement, NamedMetaElement, ScriptElement, StyleElement, StyleLinkElement |
spatie/data-transfer-object PHP 7.1
Data transfer objects with batteries included.
Category | Value Objects |
Development | DataTransferObject, DataTransferObjectCollection |
Litipk/php-bignumbers PHP 7.0
A robust library to handle immutable big numbers inside PHP applications.
Category | Value Objects |
Scalar | Decimal |
php-collective/decimal-object PHP 8.1
A robust decimal value object to handle e.g. monitary values with high precision.
Category | Value Objects |
Scalar | Decimal |