


This is a cute and simple loading HUD :-P Enjoy!
这是一个可爱清新简单的加载HUD控件 :-P

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Usage 用法


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.
想要运行示例工程,将这个仓库clone到本地,在Example目录下运行pod install

Simply use as below :

if(![SCCatWaitingHUD sharedInstance].isAnimating)
    [[SCCatWaitingHUD sharedInstance] animate];
    [[SCCatWaitingHUD sharedInstance] stop];

Here I provided you several complex ways to call the animate method.

 *  动画的时候是否允许和原始的View进行交互
 *  Whether you can interact with the original view while animating
 *  @param enabled YES代表能响应原生View事件,NO代表block当前所有的手势操作
- (void)animateWithInteractionEnabled:(BOOL)enabled;

 *  You can attach your HUD title to the view using this animation method.
 *  @param enabled YES代表能响应原生View事件,NO代表block当前所有的手势操作
 *  @param title   HUD title
- (void)animateWithInteractionEnabled:(BOOL)enabled title:(NSString *)title;

Moreover, I provided a new method to call animate in version 0.1.6 that can give you ablity to customize the duration for each loop.
另外我在0.1.6版本提供了一个更新的调用 animate 方法的接口,可以让你自定义每转一圈的时长,从而修改旋转的速度,默认值是4秒一圈,在这个速度上看老鼠跑的不会异常的快,当然提供给你这个方法是让你可以让它跑得更快。

*  You can also customize duration for each loop (also can be represented as speed) using this animation method. Default duration is 4.0 seconds each loop.
*  @param enabled YES代表能响应原生View事件,NO代表block当前所有的手势操作
*  @param title   HUD title
*  @param duration time for each loop
- (void)animateWithInteractionEnabled:(BOOL)enabled title:(NSString *)title duration:(CGFloat)duration;

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Requirements 版本需求

iOS 8.0 Above

Installation 安装

SCCatWaitingHUD is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SCCatWaitingHUD', '~> 0.1.6'


SCCatWaitingHUD is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.