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<p align="center"> <img src=".github/xbackbone.png" width="350px"> </p>

XBackBone is a simple, self-hosted, lightweight PHP file manager that support the instant sharing tool ShareX and *NIX systems. It supports uploading and displaying images, GIF, video, code, formatted text, and file downloading and uploading. Also have a web UI with multi user management, past uploads history and search support.


All the installations, configuration, and usage instructions are available in the GitHub Pages:

XBackBone Documentation

Main Features

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within XBackBone, please send an e-mail to Sergio at sergio@brighenti.me. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This software is licensed under the <a href="https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/">GNU Affero General Public License v3.0</a>, available in this repository. As a "copyright notice" it is sufficient to keep the small footer at the bottom of the page, also to help other people to learn about this project!