

Sensirion Raspberry Pi UART SFA3x Driver

This document explains how to set up the SEK-SFA3x evaluation kit to run on a Raspberry Pi using the provided code.

<center><img src="images/SFA3x.png" width="500px"></center>

Setup Guide

Connecting the Sensor

Plug the provided USB cable into your Raspberry Pi.

If you don't have a suitable cable at hand, please find the SEK-SFA3x pinout listed below, or in the datasheet:

1VDDSupply Voltage5V ±10%
3RXUART: Receiving pin for communication
SDAI2C: Serial data input / output
4TXUART: Transmission pin for communication
SCLI2C: Serial clock input
5SELInterface selectLeave floating or pull to VDD to select UART
Pull to GND to select I2C
6NCDo not connect
7NCDo not connect

Raspberry Pi