

!!! NOTICE !!!

Dead project since re_gpt is not maintained anymore

<h1 align="center"> Sengpt </h1> <p align="center"> ChatGPT in your terminal, runs on <a href="https://github.com/Zai-Kun/reverse-engineered-chatgpt">re_gpt</a> so no OpenAI API key required </p> <p align="center"> <p align="center"> <a href="#installation">Installation</a> • <a href="#configuration">Configuration</a> • <a href="#usage">Usage</a> • <a href="#building-from-source">Building from source</a> • <a href="#support">Support</a> </p> <div align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SenZmaKi/Sengpt/master/.github/assets/demo.gif" alt="demo"> </div>


Ensure you have Python 3.11 and Glow installed.

pip install sengpt


Session token

Preconfigured prompts

  "preconfigured_prompts": {
    "readme": "generate a README.md for this project",
    "expain": "briefly explain what this code does",
    "refactor": "refactor this code to improve readability",
    "generate_command": "No explanation. Output as literal string plain text i.e., echo Hello World instead of ```bash\\necho Hello World\\n```. Command as LITERAL string NO Markdown formatting. I want to be able to take your raw output and paste it into my terminal and it just works without me tinkering with it. Generate a command that "


Interactive mode

Back and forth interaction with ChatGPT, saves the conversation on exit.

Currently doesn't support piped inputs i.e., cat README.md | sengpt summarise this document, if piped inputs are passed Query mode will be used instead.

Press Ctrl + C to exit.

Query mode

Print ChatGPT's response, delete the conversation and exit.

Default mode

The default mode is interactive mode but you can change this in the config

  "default_mode": "query"

With this configuration to use interactive mode run sengpt --interactive


Either gpt-3.5 or gpt-4 can be used, the default is gpt-3.5. gpt-4 requires a ChatGPT Plus account and is slower. To switch to gpt-4 add this in your config file.

  "model": "gpt-4"


How your username appears in the conversation, the default is You.

  "username": "Sen"


Usage: sengpt [prompt] [options]

-h, --help Show help message and exit
-v, --version Show the version information
-cf, --config_file Show the config file's contents and location
-st, --session_token Set session token

-ng, --no_glow Disable pretty printing with Glow,
this can be set to be the default behaviour in the config file

-c, --copy Copy the prompt response to the clipboard,
this can be set to be the default behaviour in the config file

-p, --paste Append the most recently copied clipboard text to the sent prompt
-rc, --recent_conversation Use the most recently saved conversation as context
-pp, --preconfigured_prompt Append a preconfigured prompt to the sent prompt,
replace "preconfigured_prompt" with the prompt's name
as it appears in the config file

-q, query Use query mode i.e., print ChatGPT's response and exit,
this flag is only necessary if "default_mode" in config file is interactive

-s, --save By default conversations in query mode are deleted on exit,
this saves the conversation instead,
this can be set to be the default behaviour in the config file

-i, --interactive Use interactive mode i.e., back and forth interaction with ChatGPT,
this flag is only necessary if "default_mode" in the config file is query

-d, --delete By default conversations in interactive mode are saved on exit,
this deletes then exits the interactive mode session,
this can be set to be the default behaviour in the config file

Building from Source

Ensure you have Python 3.11 and Git installed.

  1. Set everything up.
git clone https://github.com/SenZmaKi/Sengpt && cd Sengpt && pip install poetry && poetry install
  1. Run Sengpt.
poetry run sengpt
  1. Build the package to install with pip.
poetry build
