

<img src="https://www.seleniumhq.org/selenium-ide/img/selenium-ide128.png" alt="logo" height="128" align="right" />

Selenium IDE · Build Status

[WIP] An integrated development environment for Selenium scripts

Selenium IDE as a WebExtension is developed under the branch v3 view the readme here.


This project is a work in progress, towards a complete rewrite of the old Selenium IDE. The IDE traditionally was developed to be a browser extension, we are now rewriting it to work as an electron app, more info soon.




The move to Electron is a work in progress. We will post updates as progress is made. If you're looking for Selenium IDE as a browser extension then check out the v3 branch.



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What now?

Here's a draft of the general tasks ahead. Feel free to pitch in and announce which you wish to take upon yourself:

Questions or want to chat?

If you have questions, check out our FAQ.

You can also find us on on the #selenium IRC channel, which is also available on Slack.