


GC/Wii PowerPC disassembly & decompilation tools.

These tools are focused on automatically generating as much as possible, and doing it in a way that can be regenerated at any time. This makes things more future-proof (for example, projects have often had to go back and do a lot of manual labelling when adding new binaries like rels, whereas that's handled automatically here), reduces bloat in the github repo, and reduces manual editing (which, in the case of undecompiled assembly, can be a big time saver - renaming symbols, splitting files, and correcting pointers for shiftability can be very tedious in most existing setups, whereas they're just quick yml edits here). The pointer tracking in disassembly is also more in-depth than that of doldisasm.py, so more of the work towards shiftability should be done already.

These tools in an early state and therefore large changes may still happen. No backwards compatibility will be guaranteed.

See TOOLS.md for information on each tool. (Documentation is currently pretty lacking, so feel free to reach out to me for help)

See the Super Paper Mario Decompilation for an example of a project using these tools.

