

Seeed SCD30 Library Build Status

This is the Arduino library for Seeed's SCD30 based products.


1.Git clone this resp to your Arduino IDE's libraries directory.
2.Run the demo "SCD30_Example" on examples directory.


This software is written by Wayen Weng for seeed studio and is licensed under The MIT License. Check License.txt for more information.<br>

Contributing to this software is warmly welcomed. You can do this basically by<br> forking, committing modifications and then pulling requests (follow the links above<br> for operating guide). Adding change log and your contact into file header is encouraged.<br> Thanks for your contribution.

Seeed Studio is an open hardware facilitation company based in Shenzhen, China. <br> Benefiting from local manufacture power and convenient global logistic system, <br> we integrate resources to serve new era of innovation. Seeed also works with <br> global distributors and partners to push open hardware movement.<br>
