

Azure vulnerable application - Website

<img width="759" alt="broken by design white" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14212955/180998359-a17af967-84bc-4541-af75-06a1ea4e5927.png">

A vulnerable Azure architecture that is online 24/7. The environment provides several flags that can be found by exploiting Azure vulnerabilities. This repository contains the source code of the website



If you would like to add a new challenge path, please note that the first character of the folder name is incremental (first challenge starts with a, second with b etc) to keep the folders in the front-end organized. All folders have a length of 26 characters. Please make sure to also change the Backend!


To deploy a new version, all you have to do is:

  1. Login with the correct credentials using az login
  2. Execute az storage blob upload-batch -s <source-path> -d '$web' --account-name <storage-account-name> (full command az storage blob upload-batch -s src/ -d '$web' --account-name vulnwebsite --overwrite)
  3. ???
  4. Profit! Done!