

Searge-SDXL: EVOLVED v4.x for ComfyUI

Custom nodes extension for ComfyUI, including a workflow to use SDXL 1.0 with both the base and refiner checkpoints.

Table of Content

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Version 4.3

Instead of having separate workflows for different tasks, everything is integrated in one workflow file.

Always use the latest version of the workflow json file with the latest version of the custom nodes!

<img src="docs/img/main_readme/banner.png" width="768">

Installing and Updating

New and Recommended Installation (Windows)

Install Scripts Install Script Running

Manual Installation

Alternative Installation (not recommended)

Updating an Existing Installation

Checkpoints and Models for these Workflows

These can now also be installed with the new install script (on Windows) instead of manually downloading them.


This workflow depends on certain checkpoint files to be installed in ComfyUI, here is a list of the necessary files that the workflow expects to be available.

If any of the mentioned folders does not exist in ComfyUI/models, create the missing folder and put the downloaded file into it.

I recommend to download and copy all these files (the required, recommended, and optional ones) to make full use of all features included in the workflow!

Direct Downloads

(from Huggingface)

Now everything should be prepared, but you may to have to adjust some file names in the different model selector boxes on the workflow. Do so by clicking on the filename in the workflow UI and selecting the correct file from the list.

<img src="docs/img/main_readme/full_graph.png" width="768">


Find information about the latest changes here.

What's new in v4.3.2?

This is a minor update to make the workflow and custom node extension compatible with the latest changes in ComfyUI.

What's new in v4.3.1?

This is a minor update to make the workflow and custom node extension compatible with the latest changes in ComfyUI.

What's new in v4.3?

This update added support for FreeU v2 in addition to FreeU v1.

New Features

What's new in v4.2?

This update contains bug fixes that address issues found after v4.0 was released.

Bug Fixes

New Features

What's new in v4.1?

This update contains bug fixes that address issues found after v4.0 was released.

Bug Fixes

Other Changes

What's new in v4.0?

This is the first release with the v4.x architecture of the custom node extension.

Major Highlights

Smaller Changes and Additions

What is missing in v4.0?

Some features that were originally in v3.4 or planned for v4.x were not included in the v4.0 release, they are now planned for a future version. This was decided to get this new version released earlier and the missing features should not be important for 99% of users.

So, what is actually missing?

<br><img src="docs/img/main_readme/ui-3.png" width="768">

(5 multi-purpose image inputs for revision and controlnet)

The Workflow File

The workflow is included as a .json file in the workflow folder.

After updating Searge SDXL, always make sure to load the latest version of the json file if you want to benefit from the latest features, updates, and bugfixes.

(you can check the version of the workflow that you are using by looking at the workflow information box)

Workflow Version


Click this link to see the documentation

<img src="docs/img/main_readme/ui-1.png" width="768">

(the main UI of the workflow)

Workflow Details

The EVOLVED v4.x workflow is a new workflow, created from scratch. It requires the latest additions to the SeargeSDXL custom node extension, because it makes use of some new node types.

The interface for using this new workflow is also designed in a different way, with all parameters that are usually tweaked to generate images tightly packed together. This should make it easier to have every important element on the screen at the same time without scrolling.

<img src="docs/img/main_readme/ui-2.png" width="768">

(more advanced UI elements right next to the main UI)

Operating Modes

Workflow Version

Text to Image Mode

In this mode you can generate images from text descriptions. The source image and the mask (next to the prompt inputs) are not used in this mode.

<img src="docs/img/main_readme/ui_txt2img.png" width="768">

(example of using text-to-image in the workflow)

<br> <img src="docs/img/main_readme/result_txt2img.png" width="512">

(result of the text-to-image example)

Image to Image Mode

In this mode you can generate images from text descriptions and a source image. The mask (next to the prompt inputs) is not used in this mode.

<img src="docs/img/main_readme/ui_img2img.png" width="768">

(example of using image-to-image in the workflow)

<br> <img src="docs/img/main_readme/result_img2img.png" width="512">

(result of the image-to-image example)

Inpainting Mode

In this mode you can generate images from text descriptions and a source image. Both, the source image and the mask (next to the prompt inputs) are used in this mode.

This is similar to the image to image mode, but it also lets you define a mask for selective changes of only parts of the image.

<img src="docs/img/main_readme/ui_inpainting.png" width="768">

(example of using inpainting in the workflow)

<br> <img src="docs/img/main_readme/result_inpainting.png" width="512">

(result of the inpainting example)

More Example Images

A small collection of example images (with embedded workflow) can be found in the examples folder. Here is an overview of the included images.