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Subdomain Enumeration & Analysis

<img width="935" alt="sudomy" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17976841/102172910-685b5a80-3ecc-11eb-9bac-3003d786dd33.png">

Sudomy is a subdomain enumeration tool to collect subdomains and analyzing domains performing advanced automated reconnaissance (framework). This tool can also be used for OSINT (Open-source intelligence) activities.

Features !

For recent time, Sudomy has these 20 features:

How Sudomy Works

How sudomy works or recon flow, when you run the best arguments to collect subdomains and analyze by doing automatic recon.

root@maland: ./sudomy -d bugcrowd.com -dP -eP -rS -cF -pS -tO -gW --httpx --dnsprobe  -aI webanalyze -sS

Recon Worfklow

This Recon Workflow Sudomy v1.1.8#dev

Recon Workflow

Detail information

Detail information File Reconnaissance & Juicy Data


- subdomain.txt             -- Subdomain list             < $DOMAIN (Target)
- httprobe_subdomain.txt    -- Validate Subdomain	  < subdomain.txt
- webanalyzes.txt           -- Identify technology scan   < httprobe_subdomain.txt
- httpx_status_title.txt    -- title+statuscode+lenght    < httprobe_subdomain.txt
- dnsprobe_subdomain.txt    -- Subdomain resolv		  < subdomain.txt
- Subdomain_Resolver.txt    -- Subdomain resolv (alt)     < subdomain.txt
- cf-ipresolv.txt           -- Cloudflare scan        	  < ip_resolver.txt 
- Live_hosts_pingsweep.txt  -- Live Host check		  < ip_resolver.txt	 
- ip_resolver.txt           -- IP resolv list          	  < Subdomain_Resolver::dnsprobe
- ip_dbasn.txt		    -- ASN Number Check		  < ip_resolver.txt
- vHost_subdomain.txt       -- Virtual Host (Group by ip) < Subdomain_Resolver.txt
- nmap_top_ports.txt        -- Active port scanning       < cf-ipresolv.txt
- ip_dbport.txt		    -- Passive port scanning	  < cf-ipresolv.txt

- Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt 		-- Full All Url Crawl (WebArchive, CommonCrawl, UrlScanIO)

- ./screenshots/report-0.html   	-- Screenshoting report    	< httprobe_subdomain.txt
- ./screenshots/gowitness/gowitness.sqlite3   		-- Database screenshot    	< httprobe_subdomain.txt


- ./interest/interesturi-allpath.out	-- Interest path(/api,/git,etc) < Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt
- ./interest/interesturi-doc.out	-- Interest doc (doc,pdf,xls)   < Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt
- ./interest/interesturi-otherfile.out	-- Other files (.json,.env,etc) < Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt
- ./interest/interesturi-js.out		-- All Javascript files(*.js)  	< Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt
- ./interest/interesturi-nodemodule.out	-- Files from /node_modules/    < Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt
- ./interest/interesturi-param-full.out	-- Full parameter list 		< Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt
- ./interest/interesturi-paramsuniq.out -- Full Uniq parameter list 	< Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt

-  Notes : You can validate juicy/interest urls/param using urlprobe or httpx to avoid false positives

- ./takeover/CNAME-resolv.txt		-- CNAME Resolver 		< subdomain.txt
- ./takeover/TakeOver-Lookup.txt	-- DNSLookup 			< CNAME-resolv.txt
- ./takeover/TakeOver-nxdomain.txt	-- Other 3d service platform	< TakeOver-Lookup.txt
- ./takeover/TakeOver.txt		-- Checking Vulnerabilty	< CNAME-resolv.txt


- ./wordlist/wordlist-parameter.lst     -- Generate params wordlist     < Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt
- ./wordlist/wordlist-pathurl.lst       -- Generate List paths wordlis  < Passive_Collect_URL_Full.txt

-  Notes : This Wordlist based on domain & subdomain information (path,file,query strings & parameter)


User Guide


Sudomy minimize more resources when use resources (Third-Party Sites) By evaluating and selecting the good third-party sites/resources, so the enumeration process can be optimized. The domain that is used in this comparison is tiket.com.

The following are the results of passive enumeration DNS testing of Sublist3r v1.1.0, Subfinder v2.4.5, and Sudomy v1.2.0.

<img width="935" alt="Untitled" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17976841/102053848-00990700-3e1b-11eb-9f48-9a82a8b3e64e.png">

In here subfinder is still classified as very fast for collecting subdomains by utilizing quite a lot of resources. Especially if the resources used have been optimized (?).

For compilation results and videos, you can check here:

When I have free time. Maybe In the future, sudomy will use golang too. If you want to contributes it's open to pull requests.

But it's shit! And your implementation sucks!


Sudomy is currently extended with the following tools. Instructions on how to install & use the application are linked below.

To Download Sudomy From Github

# Clone this repository
git clone --recursive https://github.com/screetsec/Sudomy.git


$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Sudomy requires jq and GNU grep to run and parse. Information on how to download and install jq can be accessed here

# Linux
apt-get update
apt-get install jq nmap phantomjs npm chromium parallel
npm i -g wappalyzer wscat

# Mac
brew cask install phantomjs 
brew install jq nmap npm parallel grep
npm i -g wappalyzer wscat

# Note
All you would need is an installation of the latest Google Chrome or Chromium 
Set the PATH in rc file for GNU grep changes

Running in a Docker Container

# Pull an image from DockerHub
docker pull screetsec/sudomy:v1.2.1-dev

# Create output directory
mkdir output

# Run an image, you can run the image on custom directory but you must copy/download config sudomy.api on current directory
docker run -v "${PWD}/output:/usr/lib/sudomy/output" -v "${PWD}/sudomy.api:/usr/lib/sudomy/sudomy.api" -t --rm screetsec/sudomy:v1.1.9-dev [argument]

# or define API variable when executed an image.

docker run -v "${PWD}/output:/usr/lib/sudomy/output" -e "SHODAN_API=xxxx" -e "VIRUSTOTAL=xxxx" -t --rm screetsec/sudomy:v1.1.9-dev [argument]

Post Installation

API Key is needed before querying on third-party sites, such as Shodan, Censys, SecurityTrails, Virustotal, and BinaryEdge.

# Shodan
# URL :  http://developer.shodan.io
# Example :
#      - SHODAN_API="VGhpc1M0bXBsZWwKVGhmcGxlbAo"


# Censys
# URL : https://search.censys.io/register


# Virustotal
# URL : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/

# Binaryedge
# URL : https://app.binaryedge.io/login

# SecurityTrails
# URL : https://securitytrails.com/

YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL is needed before using the slack notifications

# Configuration Slack Alert
# For configuration/tutorial to get webhook url following to this site
#     - https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks
# Example: 
#     - YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL="https://hooks.slack.com/services/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"



 ___         _ _  _           
/ __|_  _ __| (_)(_)_ __ _  _ 
\__ \ || / _  / __ \  ' \ || |
|___/\_,_\__,_\____/_|_|_\_, |
                          |__/ v{1.2.1#dev} by @screetsec 
Sud⍥my - Fast Subdmain Enumeration and Analyzer      

Usage: sud⍥my.sh [-h [--help]] [-s[--source]][-d[--domain=]] 

Example: sud⍥my.sh -d example.com   
         sud⍥my.sh -s Shodan,VirusTotal -d example.com

Best Argument:
  sudomy -d domain.com -dP -eP -rS -cF -pS -tO -gW --httpx --dnsprobe  -aI webanalyze --slack -sS

Optional Arguments:
  -a,  --all             Running all Enumeration, no nmap & gobuster 
  -b,  --bruteforce      Bruteforce Subdomain Using Gobuster (Wordlist: ALL Top SecList DNS) 
  -d,  --domain          domain of the website to scan
  -h,  --help            show this help message
  -o,  --outfile         specify an output file when completed 
  -s,  --source          Use source for Enumerate Subdomain
  -aI, --apps-identifier Identify technologies on website (ex: -aI webanalyze)
  -dP, --db-port         Collecting port from 3rd Party default=shodan
  -eP, --extract-params  Collecting URL Parameter from Engine
  -tO, --takeover        Subdomain TakeOver Vulnerabilty Scanner
  -wS, --websocket       WebSocket Connection Check
  -cF, --cloudfare       Check an IP is Owned by Cloudflare
  -pS, --ping-sweep      Check live host using methode Ping Sweep
  -rS, --resolver        Convert domain lists to resolved IP lists without duplicates
  -sC, --status-code     Get status codes, response from domain list
  -nT, --nmap-top        Port scanning with top-ports using nmap from domain list
  -sS, --screenshot      Screenshots a list of website (default: gowitness)
  -nP, --no-passive      Do not perform passive subdomain enumeration 
  -gW, --gwordlist       Generate wordlist based on collecting url resources (Passive) 
       --httpx           Perform httpx multiple probers using retryablehttp 
       --dnsprobe        Perform multiple dns queries (dnsprobe) 
       --no-probe        Do not perform httprobe 
       --html            Make report output into HTML 
       --graph           Network Graph Visualization

To use all 22 Sources and Probe for working http or https servers (Validations):

$ sudomy -d hackerone.com

To use one or more source:

$ sudomy -s shodan,dnsdumpster,webarchive -d hackerone.com

To use all Sources Without Validations:

$ sudomy -d hackerone.com --no-probe

To use one or more plugins:

$ sudomy -pS -sC -sS -d hackerone.com

To use all plugins: testing host status, http/https status code, subdomain takeover and screenshots.

Nmap,Gobuster,wappalyzer and wscat Not Included.

$ sudomy -d hackerone.com --all 

To create report in HTML Format

$ sudomy -d hackerone.com --html --all

HTML Report Sample:


To gnereate network graph visualization subdomain & virtualhosts

$ sudomy -d hackerone.com -rS --graph

Graph Visualization Sample:


To use best arguments to collect subdomains, analyze by doing automatic recon and sending notifications to slack

./sudomy -d ngesec.id -dP -eP -rS -cF -pS -tO -gW --httpx --dnsprobe --graph  -aI webanalyze --slack -sS

Slack Notification Sample:


Tools Overview



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Alternative Best Tool - Subdomain Enumeration

Credits & Thanks