

Microsploit (Office Exploitation Tool)

a Simple tool and not very special but this tool fast and easy create backdoor office exploitation using module metasploit packet. Like Microsoft Office in windows or mac , Open Office in linux , Macro attack , Buffer Overflow in word . Work in kali rolling , Parrot , Backbox .


<img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/17976841/23983203/525133f0-0a45-11e7-93f7-37f8e489e31b.png" width="55%"></img>

Getting Started

  1. git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/microsploit.git
  2. chmod +x Microsploit && ./Microsploit

:book: How it works

:octocat: Credits


Note: modifications, changes, or alterations to this sourcecode is acceptable, however,any public releases utilizing this code must be approved by writen this tool ( Edo -m- ).