

D(COM) V(ulnerability) S(canner) AKA Devious swiss army knife - Lateral movement using DCOM Objects

<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ScorpionesLabs/DVS/master/DEVIOUS.png"> </p>

Did you ever wonder how you can move laterally through internal networks? or interact with remote machines without alerting EDRs?
Let's assume that we have a valid credentials, or an active session with access to a remote machine, but we are without an option for executing a process remotely in a known, expected or a highly-monitored method (i.e. WMI, Task Scheduler, WinRM, PowerShell Remoting).

For these scenarios, the DVS framework comes to the rescue.

The DVS framework is a swiss army knife which allows you to enumerate vulnerable functions of remote DCOM objects, launch them and even launch attacks using them.

The framework is being developed with a "Red Team" mindset and uses stealth methods to compromise remote machines.

The DVS framework contains various ways to bypass remote hardening against DCOM by re-enableing DCOM access remotely and automatically grant the required permissions to the attacking user.

The framework can also revert changes on the remote machine to their original state, prior to the attack - hiding these changes from defenders.

Our main insight is that the tool can also execute commands using non-vulnerable DCOM objects through an aqsome technique (Read below about Invoke-RegisterRemoteSchema)

Compatible with PowerShell 2.0 and up

Youtube Video PoC: DVS


This tool is for testing and educational purposes only. Any other usage for this code is not allowed. Use at your own risk.
The author bears NO responsibility for misuse of this tool.
By using this you accept the fact that any damage caused by the use of this tool is your responsibility.

Registry access - how the DVS framework utilizes that protocol

Why is this tool so stealthy?

The DVS tool first checks if principal-identity has access to the remote machine via the following steps:

Tool components



Tested Scenarios

Tested Operating Systems



git clone https://github.com/ScorpionesLabs/DVS
powershell -ep bypass
PS> Import-Module .\DVS.psm1
PS> Get-Help Invoke-DCOMObjectScan -Detailed  # Get details of the Invoke-DCOMObjectScan command
PS> Get-Help Get-ExecutionCommand -Detailed # Get details of the Get-ExecutionCommand command
PS> Get-Help Invoke-ExecutionCommand -Detailed # Get details of the Invoke-ExecutionCommand command
PS> Get-Help Invoke-RegisterRemoteSchema -Detailed # Get details of the Invoke-RegisterRemoteSchema command


Invoke-DCOMObjectScan function allows you to scan DCOM objects and find vulnerable functions via a list of patterns or exact function names that you included in a file.


Get-ExecutionCommand function allows to generate a PowerShell payload that will interact and execute with the remote DCOM function with the relevant parameters.


Invoke-ExecutionCommand function allows to executes commands via DCOM Object using the logged-on user or provided credentials.


Invoke-RegisterRemoteSchema function allows to executes commands via the following DCOM objects using the logged-on user or provided credentials:

Note: These DCOM-objects doesn't need any access to local machine hive. they can foothold with any user that can access the remote machine!

Future work

Mitigation and Recommendations

MITRE Technique: T1021.003 - Remote Services: Distributed Component Object Model

