

Scorex 2 - The modular blockchain framework Build Status Coverage Status

Scorex and Scorex 2

Scorex 2 is modular blockchain framework is Scala language which allows for free and limitless experimentation with a wide variety of designs.

It is a complete rewrite of Scorex framework, which can be found at https://github.com/input-output-hk/Scorex.


If you have a new design for a blockchain system, there are few options available in regards with an implementation:

We have read a lot of research papers to make Scorex 2 supporting their implementations. Its abstract core allows for implementing a broad range of systems, including ones with multiple types of blocks and non-linear history.


Documentation and Communication.

Please join maillist at https://groups.io/g/scorex-dev. There is tutorial in progress, available at https://github.com/ScorexFoundation/ScorexTutorial.


There are two examples of blockchain systems built with Scorex:

Development Plans

Final 1.0 release of Scorex 2 is not done but near. Currently we're polishing and auditing the codebase towards the release. Then we will consider further plans, possibly including:


Contributions are welcome! Please take a look into issues. Testing codebase is still not perfect at the moment, so writing a test is not just good for start, but useful for the product as well.

New examples would be very helpful as well!


To publish release version to Sonatype: