

We are looking for maintainers!

In order to ensure active development going forward, we are looking for maintainers to join the project. Please contact the project owner if you are interested. and see CONTRIBUTING.md for information on what you can do about that.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ScientificClubofESI/LaraHack/master/Screenshots/LaraHackLogo.png" alt="LaraHack banner">

LaraHack is a complete administration systems designed especially for hackathons and similar competitions .

For participants , it's a clean and simple to submit application with or without team and confirm attendance .

For Organizers , it's an easy way to create your hackathon website , view registrations , analyze statistics , Check-In and much more !



Statistics Page Registration Page Hackers Table Check-In Page


Quick deploy with Heroku




Run the following commands to check the current installed versions:

php --version

For MySQL You can run this command in MySQL Commande Line Client :

select version() ;

Deploy locally

Getting a local instance of LaraHack up and running is very quickly ! Start By Creating A Database on MySQL and go with these steps :

1 - Clone the repository and cd to the project folder:

git clone https://github.com/ScientificClubofESI/LaraHack 
cd LaraHack 

2 - Install the necessary dependencies:

composer install

3 - Create your .env file from .env.example and generate an app key ( Don't forget to configure it with the database, and your email , if the host is googlemail so let mail driver , host and port as it was in env.example ) :

cp .env .env.example
php artisan key:generate  

4 - Migrate the database and start listening a queue in different terminal :

php artisan migrate 
php artisan queue:listen database 

5 - Finally run the server :

php artisan serve

Deploy Using Docker

Getting a local instance of LaraHack up and running is very quickly using docker-compose

1 - Clone the repository and cd to the app folder:

$ git clone https://github.com/ScientificClubofESI/LaraHack 
cd LaraHack 

2 - Change the ownership of the app:

$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data 'LocalAppPath'
'LocalAppPath' ex: ~/LaraHack

3 - copy the config file:

$ cp .env.example.docker .env

4 - Mount the app directory and install the dependencies:

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer install --no-dev

5 - Build the app image and run the services:

$ docker-compose up -d

Customizing for your event

Hackathon name

Don't forget to put your hackathon name in environment variable APP_NAME ( .env file )

Hackathon Logo

Put your hackathon logo in the folder /public/images with the name of LOGO.png

Hackathon Landing Page

You find the hackathon landing page section in the folder /resources/views/sections with a clean and simple code

Mail Content

To customize the decision and confirmation emails for your event, edit email templates in /resources/views/emails

Notes :


Do you have a feature request, bug report, or patch? Great! See CONTRIBUTING.md for information on what you can do about that. Contributions to LaraHack are welcome and appreciated !

Feedback / Questions

If you have any questions about this software, please contact ha_zellat@esi.dz or ga_namani@esi.dz .


Copyright (c) 2019 Scientific Club Of ESI (https://github.com/ScientificClubofESI). Released under AGPLv3. See LICENSE for details.