This is a lightweight package for generating Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) samples using various different methods.
Tutorials and Documentation
For information on using the package, see the stable documentation. Use the in-development documentation for the version of the documentation, which contains the unreleased features.
using QuasiMonteCarlo, Distributions
lb = [0.1, -0.5]
ub = [1.0, 20.0]
n = 5
d = 2
s = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n, lb, ub, GridSample())
s = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n, lb, ub, Uniform())
s = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n, lb, ub, SobolSample())
s = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n, lb, ub, LatinHypercubeSample())
s = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n, lb, ub, LatticeRuleSample())
s = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n, lb, ub, HaltonSample())
The output s
is a matrix, so one can use things like @uview
UnsafeArrays.jl for a stack-allocated
view of the i
th point:
using UnsafeArrays
@uview s[:, i]
Everything has the same interface:
A = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n, lb, ub, sample_method, output_type = Float64)
or to generate points directly in the unit box $[0,1]^d$
A = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n, d, sample_method, output_type = Float64) # = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n,zeros(d),ones(d),sample_method)
is the number of points to
is the lower bound for each variable. The length determines the dimensionality.ub
is the upper bound.d
is the dimension of the unit box.sample_method
is the quasi-Monte Carlo sampling strategy.output_type
controls the output type,Float64
(for exact digital net representation), etc. This feature does not yet work with every QMC sequence.
Additionally, there is a helper function for generating design matrices:
k = 2
As = QuasiMonteCarlo.generate_design_matrices(n,
output_type = Float64)
which returns As
which is an array of k
design matrices A[i]
that are
all sampled from the same low-discrepancy sequence.
Available Sampling Methods
Sampling methods SamplingAlgorithm
are divided into two subtypes
for samples on a regular grid.SobolSample
for the Sobol sequence.FaureSample
for the Faure sequence.LatticeRuleSample
for a randomly-shifted rank-1 lattice rule.HaltonSample
for the Halton sequence.GoldenSample
for a Golden Ratio sequence.KroneckerSample(alpha, s0)
for a Kronecker sequence, where alpha is a length-d
vector of irrational numbers (oftensqrt(d)
) ands0
is a length-d
seed vector (often0
for uniformly distributed random numbers.LatinHypercubeSample
for a Latin Hypercube.- Additionally, any
can be used, and it will be sampled from.
Adding a new sampling method
Adding a new sampling method is a two-step process:
- Add a new SamplingAlgorithm type.
- Overload the sample function with the new type.
All sampling methods are expected to return a matrix with dimension d
by n
, where d
is the dimension of the sample space and n
is the number of samples.
struct NewAmazingSamplingAlgorithm{OPTIONAL} <: SamplingAlgorithm end
function sample(n, lb, ub, ::NewAmazingSamplingAlgorithm)
if lb isa Number
return x
return reduce(hcat, x)
Randomization of QMC sequences
Most of the previous methods are deterministic, i.e. sample(n, d, Sampler()::DeterministicSamplingAlgorithm)
always produces the same sequence $X = (X_1, \dots, X_n)$.
There are two ways to obtain a randomized sequence:
- Either directly use
QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n, d, DeterministicSamplingAlgorithm(R = RandomizationMethod()))
orsample(n, lb, up, DeterministicSamplingAlgorithm(R = RandomizationMethod()))
. - Or, given $n$ points $d$-dimensional points, all in $[0,1]^d$ one can do
randomize(X, ::RandomizationMethod())
where $X$ is a $d\times n$-matrix.
The currently available randomization methods are:
Scrambling methods
ScramblingMethods(b, pad, rng)
is the base used to scramble andpad
the number of bits inb
-ary decomposition.pad
is generally chosen as $\gtrsim \log_b(n)$. The implementedScramblingMethods
a.k.a. Linear Matrix Scramble.OwenScramble
a.k.a. Nested Uniform Scramble is the most understood theoretically, but is more costly to operate.
a.k.a. Cranley Patterson Rotation.
For numerous independent randomization, use generate_design_matrices(n, d, ::DeterministicSamplingAlgorithm), ::RandomizationMethod, num_mats)
where num_mats
is the number of independent X
Randomization Example
Randomization of a Faure sequence with various methods.
using QuasiMonteCarlo
m = 4
d = 3
b = QuasiMonteCarlo.nextprime(d)
N = b^m # Number of points
pad = m # Length of the b-ary decomposition number = sum(y[k]/b^k for k in 1:pad)
# Unrandomized (deterministic) low discrepancy sequence
x_faure = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(N, d, FaureSample())
# Randomized version
x_nus = randomize(x_faure, OwenScramble(base = b, pad = pad)) # equivalent to sample(N, d, FaureSample(R = OwenScramble(base = b, pad = pad)))
x_lms = randomize(x_faure, MatousekScramble(base = b, pad = pad))
x_digital_shift = randomize(x_faure, DigitalShift(base = b, pad = pad))
x_shift = randomize(x_faure, Shift())
x_uniform = rand(d, N) # plain i.i.d. uniform
using Plots
# Setting I like for plotting
default(fontfamily = "Computer Modern",
linewidth = 1,
label = nothing,
grid = true,
framestyle = :default)
Plot the resulting sequences along dimensions 1
and 3
d1 = 1
d2 = 3 # you can try every combination of dimensions (d1, d2)
sequences = [x_uniform, x_faure, x_shift, x_digital_shift, x_lms, x_nus]
names = [
"Faure (deterministic)",
"Digital Shift",
"Matousek Scramble",
"Owen Scramble"
p = [plot(thickness_scaling = 1.5, aspect_ratio = :equal) for i in sequences]
for (i, x) in enumerate(sequences)
scatter!(p[i], x[d1, :], x[d2, :], ms = 0.9, c = 1, grid = false)
xlims!(p[i], (0, 1))
ylims!(p[i], (0, 1))
yticks!(p[i], [0, 1])
xticks!(p[i], [0, 1])
hline!(p[i], range(0, 1, step = 1 / 4), c = :gray, alpha = 0.2)
vline!(p[i], range(0, 1, step = 1 / 4), c = :gray, alpha = 0.2)
hline!(p[i], range(0, 1, step = 1 / 2), c = :gray, alpha = 0.8)
vline!(p[i], range(0, 1, step = 1 / 2), c = :gray, alpha = 0.8)
plot(p..., size = (1500, 900))