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Hypermatch is a high-performance Go library that enables rapid matching of a large number of rules against events. Designed for speed and efficiency, hypermatch handles thousands of events per second with low latency, making it ideal for real-time systems.

An event consists of a list of fields, provided as name/value pairs. A rule links these event fields to patterns that determine whether the event matches.


Quick Start

import (
    hypermatch "github.com/SchwarzIT/hypermatch"

func main() {
    //Initialize hypermatch
    hm := hypermatch.NewHyperMatch()
    //Add a rule
    if err := hm.AddRule("markus_rule", hypermatch.ConditionSet{
        hypermatch.Condition{Path: "firstname", Pattern: hypermatch.Pattern{Type: hypermatch.PatternEquals, Value: "markus"}},
        hypermatch.Condition{Path: "lastname", Pattern: hypermatch.Pattern{Type: hypermatch.PatternEquals, Value: "troßbach"}},
        }); err != nil {
    //Test with match
    matchedRules := hm.Match([]hypermatch.Property{
        {Path: "firstname", Values: []string{"markus"}},
        {Path: "lastname", Values: []string{"troßbach"}},
    log.Printf("Following rules matches: %v", matchedRules)
    //Test without match
    matchedRules = hm.Match([]hypermatch.Property{
        {Path: "firstname", Values: []string{"john"}},
        {Path: "lastname", Values: []string{"doe"}},
    log.Printf("Following rules matches: %v", matchedRules)


Example Event

An event is represented as a JSON object with various fields. Here’s a sample event:

        "name": "Too many parallel requests on system xy",
        "severity": "critical",
        "status": "firing",
        "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.",
        "team": "awesome-team",
        "application": "webshop",
        "component": "backend-service",
        "tags": [

This example will be referenced throughout the documentation.

Matching Basics

Rules in Hypermatch are composed of conditions defined by the ConditionSet type.

Each condition includes:

Here’s an example rule that matches the event above:

        Path: "status",
        Pattern: Pattern{Type: PatternEquals, Value: "firing"},
        Path: "name",
        Pattern: Pattern{Type: PatternAnythingBut, Sub: []Pattern{
                {Type: PatternWildcard, Value: "TEST*"},
        Path: "severity",
        Pattern: Pattern{ Type: PatternAnyOf,
            Sub: []Pattern{
                {Type: PatternEquals, Value: "critical"},
                {Type: PatternEquals, Value: "warning"},
        Path: "tags",
        Pattern: Pattern{ Type: PatternAllOf,
            Sub: []Pattern{
                {Type: PatternEquals, Value: "shop"},
                {Type: PatternEquals, Value: "backend"},

The rules and conditions are also expressible as JSON objects. The following JSON is the equivalent of the above Go notation for a ConditionSet:

    "status": {
        "equals": "firing"
    "name": {
        "anythingBut": [
            {"wildcard": "TEST*"}
    "severity": {
        "anyOf": [
            {"equals": "critical"},
            {"equals": "warning"}
    "tags": {
        "allOf": [
            {"equals": "shop"},
            {"equals": "backend"}

Note: For simplicity, all examples in this documentation will be presented in JSON format.

Matching syntax

"equals" matching

The equals condition checks if an attribute of the event matches a specified value, case-insensitively.

    "status": {
        "equals": "firing"

If the attribute value is type of:

"prefix" matching

The prefix condition checks if an attribute starts with a specified prefix, case-insensitively.

    "status": {
        "prefix": "fir"

If the attribute value is type of:

"suffix" matching

The suffix condition checks if an attribute ends with a specified suffix, case-insensitively.

    "status": {
        "suffix": "ing"

If the attribute value is type of:

"wildcard" matching

The wildcard condition uses wildcards to match the value of an attribute, ignoring case.

    "name": {
        "wildcard": "*parallel requests*"

If the attribute value is type of:

"anythingBut" matching

The anythingBut condition negates the match, triggering only if the specified condition is not met.

    "status": {
        "anythingBut": [
            {"equals": "firing"}

If the attribute value is type of:

"anyOf" matching

anyOf does correspond to a boolean "inclusive-or". It checks multiple conditions and matches if any of the conditions are true.

    "status": {
        "anyOf": [
            {"equals": "firing"},
            {"equals": "resolved"}

If the attribute value is type of:

"allOf" matching

allOf does correspond to a boolean "and". It checks multiple conditions and matches if all the conditions are true.

    "tags": {
        "allOf": [
            {"equals": "shop"},
            {"equals": "backend"}

If the attribute value is type of:


hypermatch is designed to be blazing fast with very large numbers of rules. Nevertheless, there are a few things to consider to get maximum performance: