

Plastic Interventions Docs

Sources for supplemental materials which are included in https://global-plastics-tool.org/ and describe how each policy intervention or "lever" works.



To further document the interventions and provide context for their provided code, this repository houses a number of documents which are built and deployed into the UI. This offers supplemental materials and a narrative for how each policy intervention or "policy lever" works. These are available under the second "details" tab.



These can be reviewed in the "more information" sections for each lever in the detailed section. They are also indexed in the table of contents.


Environment Setup

It is recommended that these are built through Pandoc though any tool which can process Markdown files can be used. If using Pandoc, after installation simply run bash build.sh after installation. Note that the default build also requires Latex. In Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install pandoc pandoc-citeproc texlive-extra-utils texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra texlive-bibtex-extra biber


Merging to the deploy branch will cause the files to be built and sent to the tool.


Open Source

These materials are available under the CC-BY-NC license. See LICENSE.md.

Though other tools may be used to build these materials, CI / CD pipelines or users may invoke Pandoc as an executable which is released under the GPL v3 License.