

<a href="#"><img src="https://res.cloudinary.com/drwb19czo/image/upload/v1591476975/New_Project_1_yk24bj.png" title="Instaclone" alt="Instaclone banner"></a>


An instagram clone created with MongoDB, Express, React, and Socket.io

Showcase GIF


Installation - Development



Install npm dependencies using npm install

$ npm install && cd client && npm install

Set up a MongoDB database either locally or provision a free database with <a href='https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas'>MongoDB Atlas</a>

Create a free <a href="https://cloudinary.com/">Cloudinary account</a>

Create a <a href='https://github.com/settings/developers'>GitHub OAuth app</a>

Create a .env file in the root directory

Set up required environment variables

MONGO_URI= // mongodb://localhost:27017/instaclone
JWT_SECRET= // random string: j2390jf09kjsalkj4r93
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY= // Cloudinary API key
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET= // Cloudinary API secret
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME= // Cloudinary cloud name
SMTP_HOST= // mail.example.com
SMTP_PORT= // 587
EMAIL_USERNAME= // example@example.com
HOME_URL= // http://localhost:3000
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID= // Client id for GitHub OAuth app
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET= // Client secret for GitHub OAuth app
MODERATECONTENT_API_KEY= // Free API key from https://moderatecontent.com

In the root directory run both the backend and the front end with the following command

$ npm run dev

The app should launch automatically, enjoy playing around 😄

Installation - Production with Docker



Create a free <a href="https://cloudinary.com/">Cloudinary account</a>

Create a <a href='https://github.com/settings/developers'>GitHub OAuth app</a>

Create a .env file in the root directory

Set up required environment variables

MONGO_URI= // mongodb://mongo:27017/instaclone
JWT_SECRET= // random string: j2390jf09kjsalkj4r93
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY= // Cloudinary API key
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET= // Cloudinary API secret
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME= // Cloudinary cloud name
SMTP_HOST= // mail.example.com
SMTP_PORT= // 587
EMAIL_USERNAME= // example@example.com
HOME_URL= // http://localhost:3000
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID= // Client id for GitHub OAuth app
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET= // Client secret for GitHub OAuth app
MODERATECONTENT_API_KEY= // Free API key from https://moderatecontent.com

In the root directory start the docker container by using the docker-compose file using the following command

$ docker-compose up

Docker will configure the rest for you, the project should be available on port 9000 unless you specified otherwise 😄


Showcase GIF Showcase GIF Showcase GIF Showcase GIF


Reach out to me at one of the following places!